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H.R. 5651: Small Business Hardship Relief Act

More Proposed Changes to “Improve” ObamaCare.

Rep Raul Ruiz, D-CA with no co-sponsors introduced H.R. 5651, the “Small Business Hardship Relief Act”. It was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means on September 18, 2014.

The bill amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (part of the Affordable Care Act) to provide an exemption to the employer health insurance mandate for small businesses (defined as 100 employees or less) which are experiencing hardship. The hardship exemption can be used for up to five years.

A business has a hardship for a given year if it has:

(A) missed two or more consecutive loan payments during such year,
(B) is a debtor in a bankruptcy title 11 case the pendency of which includes any portion of such year,
(C) received a notice from a utility during such year that such utility is preparing to stop providing services because of nonpayment of amounts owed for utility service,
(D) received a notice of eviction of foreclosure during such year,
(E) experienced a fire, flood, other natural or human-caused disaster that resulted in substantial damage to property of the business during such year, or
(F) experiences such other hardship during such year as the Secretary may determine for purposes of this subsection.

For Text of Bill and Bill Status:

Synopsis courtesy of Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD @MSingletonMDJD

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