NO To New Jersey Assembly Bill A5369 & S3816!
Following the example of Congress, the NJ Legislature has introduced a “Patient Protection Act” (A5369 / S3816) that is anything but protective of patient rights.
According to NJ Spotlight, “the proposal has drawn criticism from patient advocates and other healthcare experts who suggest that, in an effort to protect the business interests of Garden State hospitals, it could put patients in danger.”
What does this bill do? It erects a number of bureaucratic requirements that physicians would be required to fulfill before referring a patient to an out-of-state colleague or facility for needed medical care.
Here’s how Joe Nessa, Esq. explains it:
If passed, this legislation could have a devastating effect on patient care. Currently, physicians in New Jersey are free to refer their patients to world-renowned hospitals in Philadelphia, New York City, and across the nation for treatment. New rules imposed by the bill would require physicians to inform patients of the availability of in-state facilities even if they think their patient can receive better care elsewhere, notify the patient’s insurance company of the out-of-state transfer, and report the transfer or referral to the Department of Health. This addition of paperwork and red-tape will force physicians to make the easier, time-friendly decision of keeping their patients in-state, regardless of their thoughts on quality of care. Additionally, as if the above requirements aren’t enough, physicians would also be required to send quarterly reports of each out-of-state referral to their licensing board, accompanied by an explanation of the clinical necessity.
Earlier this summer, this bad legislation was being fast-tracked through the legislative process, and was quickly passed by the Assembly and a Senate Committee. It “has yet to be approved by the [full] Senate,” reports the Fall 2019 Edition of MDAdvisor. However, “[t]he sponsors are continuing to work on this legislation….”
Your help is needed to help STOP A5369 & S3816! Here’s what you can do:
Call your NJ State Senator and Assembly Members. Tell them you are depending on them to stand up for patient rights and vote NO on A5369 and S3816. Patient care should not be put at risk to benefit the bottom line of special interests.
You can find their phone contact information here:
If you don’t know who represents you, the legislature has tools to help you find out here:
Medical facilities in NY and PA have put together a tool for sending e-mail messages to legislators which you might also consider using:
Thank you for speaking out! Your voice makes a difference.