The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS), a voice for private medicine since in 1943, is honored to endorse Pamela Galloway, MD to be the next Representative in the United States House from Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District.
We have confidence that Dr. Galloway will lead the charge to stop ObamaCare and roll back other failed government policies that harm patients. As a surgeon in solo practice she has witnessed firsthand the destruction wrought by these flawed laws and understands that American medicine will thrive only if we restore freedom.
During her service as a state senator in Wisconsin Dr. Galloway demonstrated the backbone to stand on principle even when facing the vicious attacks of powerful forces on the other side. She helped sponsor legislation protecting 2nd Amendment rights, promoting competition in education, and defending life.
The 2016 election brings a pivotal opportunity to loosen the chains binding much of American medicine to the control of government and insurance company bureaucrats. It is critical that we elect candidates like Dr. Pam Galloway, who will fearlessly pursue this goal and promote Constitutionally-sound legislation that will place power back in the hands of patients and their physicians.
Dr. Galloway’s current platform is straightforward: Repeal ObamaCare, Defend the 2nd Amendment, Protect Life, Faith, Family and Country.
Capitol Hill, the citizens of Indiana, and patients and physicians across the United States will benefit with the election of Dr. Galloway. We encourage you to learn more about her and her campaign at