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Canadian Physician & AAPS Member Warns, “Obamacare Rationing Inevitable”

Canadian Physician Warns, “Obamacare Rationing Inevitable”
By Lee Kurisko, MD, www.medibid.com

Under Obamacare, the federal government will inevitably decide what kinds of care will get funding and who will get it. Comparative clinical effectiveness research is now a reality as a part of the U.S. government reform of the health care system. As a Canadian Physician, I know this research leads to only one thing – rationing.

Imagine the nightmare I experienced as a radiologist in Canada arbitrating who would be scanned and who would be sent to the end of the line. Sometimes I would read a scan and discover the patient had a huge tumor or rampant infection and I had personally sent them to the end of the waiting list when waiting times were as long as 13 months.

Harsh reality caused a complete turn-around in my views, which led me to move with my family from Canada to the U.S. in 2001.


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