ACTION ALERT – Yes to HB 460 – Lower Rx Costs for Texas Patients
HB 460, will allow Texas physicians the ability to dispense medications in their office. Nearly every other state permits physicians to help their patients save money and time in this way. Cost savings to the patient can be up to 95%.
Here’s what you can do to help:
1) Contact the Public Health Committee members and ask them to support HB 460. We have a list of their phone numbers and email addresses for you here.
For many email apps, clicking here will launch a template message with the committee members’ addresses already filled in.
Please be sure to add your name and city at the bottom of the note. If the link doesn’t work for you here is text and addresses you can copy and paste into a new message.
Dear Chair Thompson and Members of the House Public Health Committee,
Please support HB 460, a bill to increase Texas patients’ access to affordable medications, which is under consideration by the committee. Dispensing of medications by physicians is a traditional part of medical practice and the vast majority of states, except Texas and a few others, allow it. HB 460 would simply allow Texas patients the ability to obtain prescriptions directly from their trusted physicians often at a price significantly lower than current options. In an environment where patients continually face increased costs, common sense reforms like HB 460 are especially urgent.
Here are addresses you can copy and paste into the To line of your email messages if the above links do not work for your email app.
[email protected]
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Thank you for speaking out! Your voice makes a difference.
Here is an example of what a physician was able to save one patient.

Additional Resources:
Point of Care Dispense to Benefit Texas Patients – click here
Watch Briefing at the Texas Public Policy Foundation:
Physician Dispense Makes Sense – TPPF Policy Paper (click here)