Whereas force is the least ethical and least humane way to treat other human beings, and
Whereas, government bureaucracies have no other means but force to compel submission to their rules,and
Whereas, the Constitution of these United States of America ceded only a few well-defined powers from the people and the states to the federal government, and
Whereas the American Medical Association, which comprises less than twenty percent of American physicians, has come out in favor of compelling Americans to submit to the federal government’s unConstitutional mandates,and
Whereas, the American Medical Association has a clear conflict of
interest in that it has had a long-standing arrangement with the federal
government for its codes, which must be used in mandated government medical care,
Therefore: be it resolved that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons totally repudiates federal medical care mandates of any and all kinds, and specifically the ones embodied in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and rebukes the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) for their unethical support of government-forced medical mandates, and for their self-serving submission to the proposed government takeover of medicine.