AAPS President’s Page
Read comments from this year’s AAPS President about his/her vision for the coming year. Comments from past years are also available to read.
Read AAPS Action Alerts and learn what you can do to help preserve the private practice of medicine.
Book Reviews
Book reviews written by AAPS members of books of interest.
Short, concise, articles on medical freedom, financing, and economics for your office waiting room.
Candidate Endorsements
AAPS endorses candidates that stand up for the principles that strengthen the patient-physician relationship. These endorsements are not authorized, paid for, or approved by any candidate.
Career Center
This area was constructed to help connect our members with new employment opportunities. Use the links below to guide you as you begin your job search. Employers and recruiters: You now have access to our specialized niche. Browse our resumes or post your employment opportunity.
Congressional Hearing Summaries
Original summaries — created by AAPS staff on Capitol Hill — of Congressional Hearings on topics relevant to the national health care reform debate.
Information for physicians wanting to minimize third party interference in their practices.
FOIA Requests
Freedom of Information Act Requests Made by AAPS to Government Agencies.
Health Policy Round-Up: Policy Updates
Keep track of what is happening on the national health care policy scene in Washington DC. We compiles news stories, congressional hearings, think tank policy briefs, and much more.
Resources for Starting a Cash Based Practice
Learn more about practicing third-party free medicine and restoring markets and freedom to American medicine.
Healthcare Policy News
A compendium of media reports on health care policy.
HHS Proposed Rule Changes
Summaries of rules and regulations – impacting the practice of medicine – proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
The official peer reviewed journal of AAPS.
Journal Press Releases
Press releases highlighting articles in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the official journal of AAPS.
Legal Matters
Read court filings, decisions, amicus briefs, and other legal documents from AAPS related legal cases and other cases of interest for medicine in the United States.
Legislation Tracker
Learn about bills in the House, Senate, and states that impact the practice of medicine.
Links to other sites that provide useful information on topics of interest to AAPS members.
The myths of health care reform exposed!
News of the Day
Current events with an emphasis on past AAPS involvement in the issue.
AAPS News is the monthly newsletter of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Online archives are available back through 1989.
Articles written by AAPS physicians on the issues facing medicine.
Information for patients wanting to minimize the role that government and insurance companies play in their medical decisions.
Policy Statements
Policy statements of the AAPS.
Press Releases
Read AAPS press releases and other AAPS coverage in the media.
Proposed Resolutions
Read resolutions that will be considered and voted on at the AAPS Annual Meeting
Resolutions Passed by AAPS
Text of resolutions passed at AAPS annual meetings by the general assembly.
Social Media Snapshots
A weekly curated list of the highlights in healthcare policy Twitter and Facebook interaction.
State Chapters
AAPS has state chapters in several states across the country. If your state doesn’t have one, write [email protected] for information about starting one.
Testimony & Comments to Government Agencies
Testimony & comment submitted by AAPS and AAPS members to Congress and other government agencies.
Think Tank Healthcare Research Summaries
We read the healthcare policy research briefs published by the top think tanks and provide short summaries to save you time.
Watch video from AAPS meetings and video of AAPS members speaking on television and at other events.