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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Stand With Your Silenced Physician Colleagues

Dear AAPS Members and Friends,

Earlier this week courageous physicians stood on the steps of the US Supreme Court to tell the world about the consequences of government bureaucrats blocking their ability to care for their patients during a pandemic.

To say that what they had to say resonated with Americans would be a severe understatement. Their voices went viral nearly instantaneously; within hours nearly 100 million people in the U.S. and around the world watched their admonitions.

These doctors even grabbed the attention of President Trump who helped amplify their message on social media. But then Big Tech stepped in. Across multiple platforms the doctors, and those sharing their words, were silenced and deplatformed.

This sets a very dangerous precedent harmful to ALL patients and physicians regardless of your views on particular treatments or medications

Please stand with your colleagues in calling for an end to medical censorship! 

President Trump is calling on FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai to work to prevent online censorship. Let’s make sure Commissioner Pai and other leaders in DC understand the ramifications of silencing robust discussion about the practice of medicine.

You can help by adding your name to an important petition that will be sent to Commissioner Pai, the heads of the Department of Commerce and Department of Health and Human Services, the White House, and Congress.
Please read the petition and sign today at: 

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