Amid a pandemic it is more important than ever to protect physicians from counterproductive requirements that do not benefit patients. Please help speak out in favor of legislation under consideration in Rhode Island to cut through such red tape imposed by Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements.
H5191 aims to implement two simple common-sense measures:
1) Prohibits insurance companies from discriminating against physicians based on their participation in MOC, and 2) Prohibits the State of Rhode Island from requiring MOC for licensure.
The good news is that H5191 will get a hearing in front of the House Committee on Health & Human Services this coming Tuesday, February 9 at 6pm.
Your help is needed to send in written testimony and ask committee members to support this bill!
For many email apps, clicking here will create a new message addressed to those who need to see it: the committee clerk, committee members as well as House leadership. Be sure to add your name and city to the end of the testimony. If you have time, please customize the message. It helps, when possible, to have the committee hear from you in your own words about how MOC detracts from patient care.
If the link does not work for you, please copy the below template text into an email message and then send it to the addresses also copied below. [Note that there is also an opportunity to speak remotely as a witness at the hearing. See details at bottom of agenda here.
Dear Chair Casey and Members of the House Committee on Health and Human Services,
It is more crucial than ever to make sure that patients have access to physicians of their choice. That is why I am asking you to support H5191. This bill simply prohibits insurance companies, and the State of Rhode Island, from limiting a patient’s choice of physician based on the doctor’s compliance with counterproductive requirements imposed by out-of-state corporations. These common sense measures will protect patient access to medical care and also help control costs for patients and the state. Please consider favorable approval of H5191.
[ADD YOUR NAME AND CITY]Email addresses to send testimony to:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]