Dear AAPS Members and Friends,
If you experienced an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 shot, or have first-hand knowledge of an adverse reaction, please consider reporting it to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS).
Who can report? “VAERS accepts reports from anyone. Patients, parents, caregivers and healthcare [professionals] (HCP) are encouraged to report adverse events after vaccination to VAERS even if it is not clear that the vaccine caused the adverse event,” explains the HHS VAERS FAQ. The HHS also states that, “information identifying the person who received the vaccine and the person who filed the report is not made available to the public.”
Historically, adverse events are significantly underreported, but when policies like mandates and door-to-door vaccine campaigns are being considered and implemented, it is especially important to make sure to file a report so policy makers can be aware of the implications of their decisions.
Please note: it is a crime to file an intentionally misleading report with VAERS, under federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001), and AAPS supports only the filing of accurate reports to the best of the filer’s knowledge.
To file a report online, visit:
Additional information about the process and an alternate reporting option are available at: