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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Think Tank Blog Round-up: 2/6/2014

Compiled by The Market Institute

A study has shown opting out of coverage and paying their own costs out-of-pocket would be the most financially advantageous decision for most young adults (Health Policy Blog).

There are numerous reports of patients nationwide having issues finding doctors. Many are left wondering which (if any) doctors their new coverage will cover (GOP Senate Blog).

Americans for Tax Reform has posted an analysis of how many jobs will be lost by each state because of Obamacare (ATR).

The GOP’s website has posted just how bad Obamacare will affect the economy as well as specific examples of businesses cutting jobs (GOP).

While the CBO’s projection that 2 million fewer people would be working because of the ACA garnered the most attention this week, the report also suggests between 6 and 7 million people will lose employer sponsored health coverage because of the law (Heritage Foundation Blog).

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