AAPS is honored to stand with colleagues from prominent medical organizations today by signing the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration.
Signers of the extensively-referenced declaration, authored by the American College of Pediatricians, affirm that the best evidence and research suggests that children are put in serious danger of harm by surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones and that these interventions do not improve the physical or mental well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.
Read the declaration:https://doctorsprotectingchildren.org/
Press release:https://doctorsprotectingchildren.org/press-release/
Sign the declaration:https://doctorsprotectingchildren.org/#sign
Thank you to AAPS President-elect Erika LeBaron, DO, MSN for representing our organization at the Doctors Protecting Children coalition’s press conference held at the National Press Club this morning in Washington, DC.
Video of the press conference is available at:
Dr. LeBaron’s remarks begin at about 26 minutes into the video.
Good Morning, I’m Dr. Erika LeBaron, a board-certified family medicine physician and President-elect of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Founded in 1943, AAPS is a national professional organization that represents independent physicians, from every state and virtually all specialties, who are devoted to the practice of medicine in the tradition of Hippocrates. Unfortunately, the protocols currently being pushed on children and adolescents violate the fundamental precepts of Hippocratic medicine which are to “prescribe regimen for the good of patients” and “do no harm.” That is why it is my honor to be here today to express the utmost support of AAPS to this coalition and its declaration to protect children. It is past time for our profession to end the harm being done and instead provide care to children that is both rooted in science and principles of medical ethics that put patients, not political ideology, first. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today to stand with my colleagues dedicated to this crucial mission.