By Bruce Schlafly, MD
On Jan 30, the WHO officially declared the COVID-19 epidemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, indicating its concern that countries aside from China could be affected by COVID-19.
On Jan 31, the State Department issued its strongest warning (“do not travel”) applying to mainland China. Also, on Jan 31, HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a national public health emergency. On Jan 31, the White House issued a Proclamation on suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of persons who pose a risk of transmitting 2019 novel coronavirus. Exceptions were made for lawful residents, noncitizen spouses, and persons determined not to pose a significant risk.
The liberal anti-Trump administration AMA publishes Journal of AMA (JAMA) weekly, actually 4 times per month. The March 24/31 print issue carried an article by their favorite lawyer, left-wing Lawrence Gostin JD of Georgetown University, whose opinion pieces they regularly publish, usually attacking any conservative judicial rulings or opposition to Obamacare, etc. It was published online Feb 13, and as you can see in the final column it attacks the Trump ban on non-US nationals as overbroad, and boasts that the WHO (now exposed by Tucker Carlson and others as controlled by the Communist Chinese government) officially recommends against widespread travel restrictions, including the US entry ban.
The March 24/31 print issue also published a “JAMA Infographic” (click here), originally published online on Feb 26, which states that “most of the COVID-19 infections are in one part of China, and thus far the virus appears to pose limited threat outside of China”, whereas the flu had already caused at least 16,000 deaths in the USA (presumably meaning the 2019-2020 flu season).
Printing these 2 articles in the March 24/31 issue has to be embarrassing for JAMA, AMA, and Gostin, but I guess it was too late to stop the presses.
Yet they want to tell us Trump is to blame for inadequate preparation and response. Does the AMA now “have blood on its hands?”