By Jane M. Orient, M.D. Americans who voted for “hope and change” are probably hoping that there is not too much change. They hope that the emergency room will stay open; that their doctor will […]
Physicians warn that the ill effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will be irreversible, and it needs to be repealed and defunded before implementation proceeds any further. On the eve of […]
Doctors & concerned citizens are gathering at locations across the U.S. Saturday to voice their concerns about ObamaCare. A sea of white coats filled Spanish Landing in downtown San Diego to present a united front […]
AAPS member and director, Juliette Madrigal-Dersch, M.D. was featured in a spot on the NBC news yesterday talking about her decision to opt-out of Medicare. The 21% cut in Medicare reimbursement that again went in […]
My reason for not accepting government money is a letter dated Feb 4, 1974, the year I graduated from medical school. My father, who owned a small contracting business, thumb-tacked it over his desk, to […]
The Sunday edition of the Chicago Tribune explains why the AMA may be supporting Washington’s takeover of medical care in the United States despite the uproar of physicians and patients. “As Democrats tout the American […]
About AAPS
Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine. Learn more