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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

COVID-19: Doctors’ Group Says to Recall Vaccine

Is your doctor pressuring you to “get boosted”?

Most doctors probably are. And so are radio ads. An annual COVID shot may become the “new normal,” along with the flu shot.

“Safe and effective” is a constant refrain. But most people probably assume that it is—or else our protective government wouldn’t allow it! Right?

A number of physicians, some former vaccine enthusiasts, are now warning about adverse effects—including sudden death—and saying “it’s time to stop the shots.”

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeon (AAPS), a national organization of physicians in all specialties founded in 1943, issued the following statement:

  1. COVID 19 injections are under Emergency Use Authorization and must be considered experimental. Informed consent is a bedrock principle of medical ethics, yet millions of people have taken COVID-19 injections under duress.
  2. The long-term effects of the novel mRNA or DNA technology and the lipid nanoparticles involved in their administration – including carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, autoimmune phenomena, and impairment of fertility – cannot possibly be known.
  3. There are numerous safety signals, including excess sudden deaths, that would in the past have prompted immediate withdrawal of vaccines or drugs from the market.
  4. The expected intensive, sophisticated investigations of reported adverse effects associated with COVID-19 vaccination, including myocarditis, pericarditis, paralysis, thromboembolism, menstrual abnormalities, and unusual cancers, have not been undertaken.
  5. COVID-19 genetic injections have not been shown in randomized, controlled trials to be effective in preventing infection, transmission, hospitalization or death.
  6. In children who have virtually zero likelihood of death from COVID, there is no evidence of benefit exceeding risks for these products.
  7. Regulatory agencies are corrupted by conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, and lack of accountability.
  8. Vaccine-injured patients have little if any expectation of compensation, and manufacturers are shielded from liability. This liability protection must be ended.
  9. All mandates, including requirements for school attendance or work, should immediately be withdrawn.
  10. COVID-19 genetic injections should be withdrawn from the market.

Additional information on COVID-19 vaccines:

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