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‘Negative Evidence’ on COVID-19 Vaccines and Cancer Reviewed in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Given the dread that the thought of cancer inspires, and anecdotal reports of cancer manifesting soon after a COVID-19 vaccination, the lack of extensive investigation into the potential carcinogenicity of these novel products is surprising, writes Jane M. Orient, M.D., in the spring issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

            Government agencies have assiduously sought to detect even the slightest carcinogenic properties of any product to which humans are frequently exposed, states Dr. Orient. But “shockingly, a careless exception from those prudent safety measures has been made for the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”

Unlike for past products, the Institute of Medicine did not call for any vaccine-related cancer research programs or specifically for the creation of a robust cancer-specific surveillance system, Dr. Orient notes. A dedicated registry is essential, she explains, because conventional surveillance systems, like the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are not designed to pick up delayed effects.

The article explores various theoretical mechanisms for inducing cancer. The etiology of cancer is still not fully understood. As currently defined, cancer is “a genetic disease caused by accumulation of DNA mutations and epigenetic alterations leading to unrestrained cell proliferation.” There are cell growth-inducing genes, and tumor suppressor genes.

RNA viruses have long been recognized as carcinogenic, but vaccine proponents assert that vaccine mRNA cannot regulate gene expression, Dr. Orient notes. However, that notion is obsolete. New types and functions of RNA are discovered as our understanding of genetics expands.

Theorizing about how vaccines might induce cancer is not enough. We need formal cancer pharmacoepidemiology, with large-scale medical data and long-term follow-up, she writes. This requires generous funding, formal research structures, and access to protected databases. However, official institutions have used their control over pharmacovigilance “to suppress any attempts at independent inquiry about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines using this formidable methodology.”

At present, Dr. Orient concludes, we are left with safety signals from anecdotal reports on social media, observations by independent pathologists, and analyses from VAERS. A reformed academic model is urgently needed.

Read Article: https://jpands.org/vol28no1/orient.pdf

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is published by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), a national organization representing physicians in all specialties since 1943.

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