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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Resolution 01-2011: Treatment of Family Members


Submitted by Dr. Kenneth Christman

WHEREAS: Hospitals are now referencing American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines in order to prevent physicians from caring for family members; and

WHEREAS: Such prohibitions place an unnecessary and unwanted restriction upon physicians who wish to take care of their own family members; and

WHEREAS: Family members may wish to have a physician relative take care of them, and such a proscription may prevent a physician from acceding to a family member’s wish; and

WHEREAS: Any physician should never be restricted in offering the best possible care for a family member; and

WHEREAS: Some hospitals have invoked AMA guidelines as being the reason why physicians should not “treat themselves”; and

WHEREAS: There have thus far been no reports of physicians attempting to treat themselves by heart surgery, neurosurgery, etc.;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That AAPS support noninterference with patient care, whether it comes from government agencies, hospitals, insurers, the AMA, or any other entity. AAPS supports any family member being free to choose his/her physician, regardless of the familial relationship with such physician, and that physicians be completely free to treat any family member in whatever fashion is mutually acceptable to physician and such family member.

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