An essential updated review of COVID-19 early-treatment best practices is now available.
[This treatment protocol and others can also be found at]This international collaboration — comprised of physicians, like lead author Peter McCullough, MD, courageously treating patients despite the prevalence of “therapeutic nihilism” among government agencies like the NIH and FDA — outlines the urgency of, “prompt early initiation of sequenced multidrug therapy (SMDT) … to stem the tide of hospitalizations and death.”
The authors write:
The early stage of viral replication provides a therapeutic window of tremendous opportunity to potentially reduce the risk of more severe sequelae in high risk patients. Precious time is squandered with a ‘wait and see’ approach … resulting in unnecessary hospitalization, morbidity, and death. … In newly diagnosed, high-risk, symptomatic patients with COVID-19, SMDT has a reasonable chance of therapeutic gain with an acceptable benefit-to-risk profile.
Included in the paper is a “sequential multidrug treatment algorithm” and summaries of the rationale and evidence for each component.
The paper, including a link to download the full PDF, is available at the following URL:
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To overcome the increasing censorship of lifesaving information, it is imperative that everyone pitch in to see that this manuscript is distributed as widely as possible.