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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Vote for Health Freedom in Sarasota

Elect Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser to the Sarasota County hospital board, to end the anti-patient policies that harmed our residents throughout Covid and now.

Tamzin was an outspoken leader against hospital interference with patient access to medications during Covid. Tamzin will defend the right of patients in Sarasota Memorial Hospital to receive medications prescribed by their physicians. 

Too many patients at hospitals have been denied treatments prescribed by their physicians, and denied visits by their loved ones. We need a hospital board that is pro-patient, not pro-Fauci.

Tamzin grew up orphaned in a big city, but came to Florida on a full college scholarship and then worked her way through medical school and top residency programs. She served on the front lines in the emergency room in the most dangerous city in the United States.  Tamzin has since practiced here in Sarasota County for many years.

Tamzin cares for her Newfoundland dogs in her spare time, and can be seen taking her daily walks in Sarasota County with these beautiful, lovable creatures. Meanwhile, Tamzin has been a fearless advocate for patients for 30 years.

Let’s make our Sarasota Memorial Hospital great again!  Vote for Tamzin in this primary on August 20!

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