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AAPS, Obama & socialized medicine

Last month AAPS members voted unanimously to re-affirm the AAPS Resolution to Oppose a Single-Payer Medical System.

In that resolution, AAPS urges all physicians to oppose a government-controlled or single-payer plan as harmful to patients, and therefore inconsistent with a high standard of medical ethics.

Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama has proposed an ambitious plan to restructure America’s health care sector — a plan some have called “socialized medicine.” Many others reject that label.

In the newest Cato Institute Briefing Paper, Cato director of health policy studies Michael F. Cannon argues, “Reasonable people can disagree over whether Obama’s health plan would be good or bad. But to suggest that it is not a step toward socialized medicine is absurd.”

Cato Institute Briefing Paper #108

“Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama (IL) has proposed an ambitious plan to restructure America’s health care sector. Rather than engage in a detailed critique of Obama’s health care plan, many critics prefer to label it ‘socialized medicine.’

“Is that a fair description of the Obama plan and similar plans? Over the past year, prominent media outlets and respectable think tanks have investigated that question and come to a unanimous answer: no.

“Reasonable people can disagree over whether Obama’s health plan would be good or bad. But to suggest that it is not a step toward socialized medicine is absurd….”


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