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Debate Tantalized Voters on Healthcare Questions

This election will be decisive for the direction of American medicine, states the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). The second Presidential debate, despite distractions related to comments made by Donald Trump 11 years ago, hinted at important questions and showed distinct differences between the candidates, states AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D.

The Healthcare Election

By Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D. – http://EarAndBalance.net With news of more exchanges closing, fewer healthy enrollees signing up, insurance companies pulling out, and health insurance premiums set to spike, this October we will see a […]

Women, Words, Sex, Politics, and John 8:7

By Tamzin Rosenwasser, MD The October 9 Presidential debate focused on women, with the moderators introducing a question near the beginning about an 11-year-old recording of some crude words about women by Donald Trump. According […]

ObamaCare in Tax Season

This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane M. Orient, M.D. Whether they would ordinarily be required to file income taxes or not, anyone who received ObamaCare premium assistance must file Form 1095A, with […]

HIPAA, Hillary and Hype

By Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D. In watching Hillary Clinton campaign I’m reminded of a poem I learned in ninth grade: humorist Arthur Guiterman’s “On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness”: The tusks that clashed in […]

Giving Back—Not the Role of Government

This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. Many people forget that the government cannot give what it has not first taken. And once it takes power or gains a source of […]

The $750 Pill and the Shackles of Serfdom

This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. How can the price of a pill leap from $13.50 to $750? Only because of third-party payment, writes Charles Hugh Smith. It’s time to […]