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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

FinCEN Backs Down Again After AAPS Renews Motion for Injunction

Update 2/27/2025:

FinCEN Backs Down 3 Days after Our Filing

Barely ten days ago, FinCEN announced that everyone must comply with its onerous requirement to report personal information, including home addresses and drivers’ license numbers, to the federal government by March 21.

Then we filed our strong opposition to this, requesting an immediate injunction, in Amarillo, Texas on Monday.

Three days later, after digesting our detailed 25-page brief stocked with legal authority, FinCEN has backed down on its requirement! Tonight FinCEN “announced that it will not issue any fines or penalties or take any other enforcement actions against any companies based on any failure to file or update beneficial ownership information (BOI) reports pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act by the current deadlines,” according to its press release.

Instead, FinCEN will issue a different rule by March 21st, while our lawsuit will not let up in making sure that there is no federal infringement on constitutional rights.

Read FinCEN announcement: https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-not-issuing-fines-or-penalties-connection-beneficial-ownership

Bottom line:  our motion demanding that FinCEN drop its March 21st reporting requirement has prevailed by FinCEN reversing its own position of just last week!  LET’S CELEBRATE!

AAPS just prevailed in protecting medical practices and 32.6 million small organizations from overreach by the federal government, with potential imprisonment of 2 years for non-compliance. AAPS has once again advanced freedom against government interference!

Thank you for your support in making this happen.  This is a fabulous win for AAPS members, in our 82nd year since being founded for freedom in 1943.

Update 2/24/2025:

AAPS Files Renewed Expedited Motion for Preliminary Injunction against FinCEN BOI reporting:


Update 2/20/2025:

Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirements Back in Effect with Extended Reporting Deadline; FinCEN Announces Intention to Revise Reporting Rule

Following the February 18, 2025, decision by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in Smith, et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury, et al., 6:24-cv-00336, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has announced that beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act are back in effect, with a new deadline of March 21, 2025 for most companies.

FinCEN has also announced that it will assess its options to further modify deadlines, while prioritizing reporting for those entities that pose the most significant national security risks. FinCEN intends to initiate a process this year to revise the BOI reporting rule to reduce burden for lower-risk entities, including many U.S. small businesses.

Notice: https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/FinCEN-BOI-Notice-Deadline-Extension-508FINAL.pdf

 Congress may also be likely to pass a one-year delay:


Action Item: Send your federal legislators a note asking them to support the two bills that will end the Fincen BOI reporting requirement, H.R. 425 & S. 100.


Update 1/24/2025:

From FinCen: On January 23, 2025, the Supreme Court granted the government’s motion to stay a nationwide injunction issued by a federal judge in Texas (Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc. v. McHenry—formerly, Texas Top Cop Shop v. Garland). As a separate nationwide order issued by a different federal judge in Texas (Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury) still remains in place, reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN despite the Supreme Court’s action in Texas Top Cop Shop. Reporting companies also are not subject to liability if they fail to file this information while the Smith order remains in force. However, reporting companies may continue to voluntarily submit beneficial ownership information reports. https://www.fincen.gov/boi

Update 1/23/2025:

The Supreme Court has stayed the nationwide injunction issued by the district court. This could mean FinCen will set a new deadline for BOI reporting requirement. This is far from over, and we still have multiple ways that the FinCEN requirement can still be blocked.  For starters, AAPS can file another request for an injunction against FinCEN in our lawsuit in Amarillo.  President Trump may also block this, and arguably he already has with some of his general executive orders against Biden’s regulations.

Update 12/27/2024:

On 12/26/2024 the Fifth Circuit merits panel vacated the Fifth Circuit motions panel’s stay of the lower court injunction.

The January deadline for covered businesses to register their beneficial ownership information is once again on hold following a Dec. 26 order from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.


Update 12/23/2024:

In a shocking twist, a motions panel of the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit just rendered as an unpublished order that reinstates the terrible FinCEN reporting obligation for nearly 33 million Americans, including AAPS members. Oh no!

Fortunately, we quickly reasserted our pending expedited motion for a preliminary injunction in federal court in Amarillo, Texas. We remain hopeful that the judge in our case will grant an injunction for our members. A PDF of our filing today can be viewed by clicking here.

The reasoning by the appellate court in its unpublished opinion included its statement that “a last-minute nationwide preliminary injunction would undermine our ability to push other countries to reform their” laws. So, in effect, our constitutional rights are subordinate to how the Deep State wants to change laws in foreign countries.

Isn’t the Deep State so wonderful?! CERTAINLY NOT, and Congress should stop lavishly funding it with Continuing Resolutions.

Please do not panic yet, but suddenly it is possible again that 33 million Americans will have to scramble by New Year’s Eve early next week [update, the deadline was delayed until Jan. 13, 2025] to file personal information with FinCEN.

We will update you further. So please continue to stay tuned!

Update 12/8/2024:

AAPS has filed a new brief in with the court in response to the nationwide injunction of FinCEN reporting and the government’s appeal. The AAPS brief reads in part:

Defendant FinCEN evidently expects to overturn or narrow the Texas Top Cop Shop decision, quickly appealing while declining to post a notice of the injunction on the FinCEN website. FinCEN continues to collect personal data as though mandatory. Plaintiffs need a preliminary injunction to protect themselves, including the members of Plaintiff AAPS, and the precedents hold that a nationwide injunction by another court does not render moot the injunctive relief sought by Plaintiffs, who thus request their motion for a preliminary injunction be granted.

Supplemental Brief on Mootness: https://aapsonline.org/judicial/aaps-v-treasury-brief-12-8-2024.pdf

Appendix A (Amended decision in Top Cop v. Garland): https://aapsonline.org/judicial/aaps-v-treasury-exhibit-a-12-8-2024.pdf

Update 12/7/2024:

The Deep State’s FinCEN quickly appealed the injunction against its Orwellian data grab soon after the powerful decision we told you about earlier this week. Then, after the federal district court slightly revised its ruling, FinCEN immediately filed an amended appeal! 

We are letting you know about this development because we want to keep you up to date as this crucial challenge to federal overreach progresses.

This is lightning-fast legal action by the government, which ordinarily takes 60 days before appealing. Apparently FinCEN is pulling out all the stops to grab personal data from 33 million Americans, including AAPS members. “FinCEN” stands for “Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,” and its reporting obligation is like making every American report to a federal probation officer.

We knew it wouldn’t be easy to stop FinCEN in its tracks as it demands home addresses, birthdates, and driver’s licenses from our members and many millions of other Americans. The Deep State never quits in its grab for more power. Its pretext for demanding all this personal information is absurdly to “combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.”

We’re writing and filing a strong legal brief on Monday in Amarillo against FinCEN to make sure that the nationwide injunction continues to protect you against this vast expansion in federal surveillance of everyday Americans.

For now, you do not have to report to FinCEN by Jan. 1, and we’re working throughout this weekend and this month to keep this protection in place despite FinCEN’s attempts to assert power over so many Americans. 

Please keep your eye on your email inbox for further updates from AAPS as developments warrant. As always, your support is greatly appreciated and pivotal to our continued efforts to fight for your rights in this case and the many other fronts in the battle to save American medicine.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (“AAPS”) filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction against the new mandate requiring tens of millions of Americans to report personal information to the federal government. By January 1, 2025, Americans who participate in managing small entities – even some political ones — must report their home addresses, birthdates, and other information such as driver’s license numbers to the federal government.

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) is creating a massive new database of personal information about ordinary, law-abiding Americans, to share widely with other agencies and even internationally to facilitate federal investigations and prosecutions. FinCEN will assign a “FinCEN identifier” to everyone about whom it receives this information, the brief notes.

While there are some exemptions, most small medical practices are subjected to this regulatory burden and possible investigatory harassment, as are nonprofit groups not officially qualified under Section 501(c)(3), AAPS notes.

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) imposes up to two years imprisonment for failure to report this information to the federal government or failing to update home addresses. Fines can be up to $10,000 for violations.

“This is a vast expansion in federal police power, with its political bias that has worsened,” said AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly. “Fortunately, multiple provisions of the U.S. Constitution stand firmly against this federal overreach.”

AAPS asks the federal court in Amarillo, Texas, to grant a preliminary injunction against this unconstitutional law based on the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments. Other district courts have rendered decisions on both sides of this issue.

“Particularly alarming is how this new disclosure requirement will have the effect of taking away the right to own guns by those found to be in violation of the CTA,” Mr. Schlafly points out. “The two-year imprisonment under the CTA triggers revocation of the Second Amendment right under a federal gun control statute,” he adds.

This AAPS lawsuit is pending in U.S. District Court in Amarillo, Texas, No. 2:24-cv-210-Z.

Link to Motion for Preliminary Injunction: https://aapsonline.org/judicial/aaps-v-treasury-10-28-2024.pdf

Founded in 1943, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is a pro-patient association of physicians who practice private medicine. Its motto means “all for the patient.”

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