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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

AAPS Members Working to Elect Candidates Who Will Repeal ObamaCare

AAPS Physicians are doing their part across the U.S. to make sure that candidates are elected this November who will repeal ObamaCare.

6 AAPS members are even running for Federal offices themselves: Rand Paul, M.D., Rob Steele, M.D., Donna Campbell, M.D., Michael Pryce, M.D., Dan Benishek, M.D., and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D.

Below is a list of other ways that your colleagues are helping out.   If you are involved in a way not listed below please tell us about it at http://www.aapsonline.org/newsoftheday/001333 .

September 25th: AAPS Director and California Chapter coordinator Wayne Iverson and his wife Jan, hosted an event for U.S. House Candidate Nick Popaditch (CA-51).  Nick was medically retired from the Marines in 2005 at the rank of Gunnery Sergeant from wounds sustained in combat in the battle of Fallujah.  CLICK Here for more information.

October 4th:  AAPS President Lee Hieb spoke at a Tea Party rally to support Iowa Attorney General Candidate Brenna Findley.  Ms. Findley has pledged to join other states fighting ObamaCare in federal court.  CLICK HERE for more information.

October 9th:  AAPS President-Elect Alieta Eck M.D. is mailing a letter to physicians in her district to inform them about the opposing views the Congressional candidates in her district have on ObamaCare.  Anna Little wants to repeal it while her opponent brags that he helped to create it.  CLICK HERE to read Dr. Eck’s letter.

October 9th:  AAPS member Joseph Scherzer, M.D. is hosting an event supporting U.S. House Candidate (AZ-3) Ben Quayle.  Mr. Quayle is the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle.    CLICK HERE for more information

October 11th:  AAPS Director Lee Vliet, M.D. is holding a Health Care Forum featuring U.S. House Candidate (AZ-7) Ruth McClung.  Dr. Vliet’s forum will also educate voters about Proposition 106, The Arizona Freedom Act.  CLICK HERE for more information

October 13th:  Members of the Health Care Freedom coalition are holding an event in DC to support Rick Scott in his bid for Governor of Florida.  Mr. Scott at personal expense founded Conservatives for Patient Rights to fight against ObamaCare.     CLICK HERE for more information

October 18th:  AAPS member Robert Odell, M.D. and AAPS director Wayne Iverson, M.D. are hosting an event supporting Sharron Angle at Dr. Odell’s La’s Vegas home.  CLICK HERE for more information

October 18th: AAPS Executive Director Jane Orient, M.D. is inviting physicians in Oregon’s 4th district to join her at the final forum between OR-4 House candidate Art Robinson and incumbent Pete DeFazio.  DeFazio was one of the last Democrats to switch to a YES vote on ObamaCare. As a volunteer, Dr. Orient has made hundreds of phone calls to voters in Oregon.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Other election information:

Thank you to Docs4Patient Care for preparing a list of all 219 Democrat Congressmen who voted for ObamaCare and their Republican opponents this November.  You can download the list at http://docs4patientcare.org/Images/Reps-Voting-for-Obamacare.pdf.

Joe Scherzer, M.D. has posted a list of all 19 medical candidates running for the U.S. House at his Truth Serum Blog.

A state by state breakdown of U.S. Senate seats in play this election can be downloaded at: http://www.rove.com/uploads/0000/0448/Senate_Map_10_05_10.pdf

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