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AAPS News January 2023 – FTX and the ‘Great Reset’

Volume 79, no. 1  January 2023

The world is experiencing many crises simultaneously: war, financial instability, civil unrest, looming shortages of food and energy, political chaos—and of course continued fear of COVID and predicted future pandemics, as well as of imminent climate apocalypse. To some, a grand “solution” appears to be inevitable: a “Great Reset” under a totalitarian technocratic global government, with a global central digital bank.

Are the crises somehow connected? The FTX scandal is possibly the thread that could unravel the whole scheme, writes Mathew Crawford (tinyurl.com/4xmphcsy).

The magnitude of the FTX scam and the depth of corruption, money laundering, and political influence peddling are beyond imagination, writes Jeffrey Tucker, founder of the Brownstone Institute (tinyurl.com/3n78xuvh). At rocket speed, FTX became the second-biggest crypto exchange on the planet, with billions in venture funding and a million customers.

The timing is notable. FTX was founded in 2019, just soon enough to enter the public realm concerning pandemic controls, and then it disappeared just following the 2022 midterm elections, over which its funding arm had a huge influence. Was it intended to have a short shelf life, transferring billions and manipulating public opinion during the Great Reset, then shutting down?

One might ask whether Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) is just a geek with too much success too fast, engaged in entirely heartfelt philanthropy. The New York Times and the Washington Post ran articles portraying SBF as a “more-or-less honest businessman with a big heart who got tangled up in a bad situation” (https://tinyurl.com/bdewyra7). In an interview hosted by the NYT, which cost $2,400 to attend, he said he was “deeply sorry” [about stealing people’s life savings] (tinyurl.com/bd3cm6b7).

But the FTX-Alameda story isn’t solely the SBF story. The pool of players is far larger,  writes Crawford. The company’s philanthropy arm, which funded the pandemic planning industry, was a network of astonishing complexity.

The “Effective Altruism” (EA) arm funded media outlets such as ProPublica, Vox, Intercept, and Semafor, all of whom backed lockdowns and mandates.

SBF funded the TOGETHER trial, which purportedly found that ivermectin is ineffective in COVID. Principal investigator Ed Mills stated that FTX became involved only after results were published, according to Reuters Fact Check (https://tinyurl.com/59b9e5de). “But smart people will understand that this does not demonstrate a lack of influence,” states Crawford, as there are grants depending on results. The study used a nonstandard dosage of IVM and is still under scrutiny for a wide variety of statistical anomalies (tinyurl.com/2e929rdj).

The war against hydroxychloroquine needed a randomized controlled trial to show that it was ineffective and harmful. This was supplied by David Boulware—who headed up the ivermectin arm in the TOGETHER trial—and many others. Though the study was called negative by NEJM (tinyurl.com/5n7f3yvb), independent analysts come to the opposite conclusion, Crawford points out (also see AAPS News, June and July 2020).

One of the funders was software entrepreneur David Baszucki, who is best known as the co-founder and CEO of Roblox. With children out of school during the pandemic, this computer game saw its user base explode by tens of millions of users—including fully half the U.S. school children under 16 and three-quarters of all those ages 9 to 12. In March 2021, Roblox’s initial public offering had a $41 billion valuation—“an instant pandemic-pumped blowout valuation.”

“Video games are part of the concoction of digital drugs Yuval Noah Harari [of the World Economic Forum] suggests is the method for dealing with the useless people who might otherwise revolt against the status quo powers.” And Roblox team members, notes Crawford, have been the subject of an astounding number of pedophilia and child sexual abuse claims.

“The pandemic is the fog of war intended to create the opportunity and obscure the activities” involved in a “new global financial network and currency,” Crawford writes. FTX might have been a failed attempt to create this.

The endgame might be to create an intellectually (genetically) superior human race, in which the mass gathering of genetic data and gene-drive technology likely play a role.

“This plan connects a lot of stories, including the activities of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. It weaves through MIT Media Labs along the way, but goes to the heart of the powers who ultimately control the military-intelligence-banking complex—and that includes the pedophile elite,” Crawford states.

SBF is enmeshed in a very tangled web. Is it pure conspiracy theory? How would Epstein fit in? Aside from his sexcapades with underage girls, Epstein was a specialist in financial crime, Crawford notes, and “these two crimes go hand-in-hand most closely in a world in which politicians are hard to blackmail with a garden variety sex scandal.” Epstein seems to have touched all the currently important power circles. It may not be coincidence that his close friend Bill Clinton helped build the FTX brand recognition.

Most FTX political contributions went to Democrats; however, Kevin McCarthy allegedly used FTX cash to defeat conservative candidates (https://tinyurl.com/44wxmx5v).

It’s a huge thicket that might only be the tip of an iceberg. “The cover-ups have already begun,” Tucker writes.

COVID-19 and Global Debt

The global debt bubble began with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, writes financial analyst Edward Dowd. Central bank-enabled financial fraud long preceded COVID-19. In the form of a dystopian movie script concept, Dowd predicted the pandemic response with amazing accuracy, all predicated on the thesis that COVID was the cover for the end of the global debt bubble. Not one banker went to jail for the crimes that led to Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. This marked the rise of global central bank dominance, facilitated by unprecedented cooperation between the U.S. Federal Reserve, the EU Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan in the form of money printing and debt purchases. World governments went into deficit spending to make up for the catastrophic wealth destruction, job losses, and demand destruction. With the COVID-19 crisis,  central banks had an excuse to print huge amounts, increasing  M1 by 65% from 2019 to 2020. The U.S. government now commands 40% of GDP, up from low double digits 40 years ago (tinyurl.com/5n6a57ke). Digital ID would enable total control.

Pandemic Only the First Step in a Global Coup

In a presentation to Doctors for Covid Ethics International on Nov 22, 2022, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò stated that we must not stop with the pandemic but consider all events in their “full coherence and inter-connectness.”

The existence of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means, which exercises undue power over world governments, is a “fact is of unprecedented gravity.” Klaus Schwab said: “In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all.” The implication is that those who do not adapt will lose everything, including their freedom.

While the economic part cannot be disregarded, what is happening is not solely the result of profit-seeking. There are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision—a rebellion against God, with the desire to destroy the created order, Viganò said. The operations of social engineering and mass manipulation have demonstrated that this crime was premeditated. In this war, there can be no neutrality (tinyurl.com/3a6w6mux).

Phyllis Ann Orient, R.I.P.

“Ann,” the telephone voice of AAPS for nearly 30 years, took her last breath on Dec 11, 2022, at age 97, surrounded by family at home. She worked in her daughter Jane’s office every day from 1981 until she was well into her 90s. She spoke with thousands of patients and physicians from across the land. Until recently, she proofread every issue of AAPS News. During her last hospital stay, she sang “America the Beautiful,” then alternated it with the Lord’s Prayer, as the shades were open to let in the sun. Her husband fought for our freedom in WWII, as she did all her life.

“The National Security Agency’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left…. If a dictator ever took over, the N.S.A. could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back.”

Senator Frank Church (1975)

 Trapped in a Virtual Reality Show 

In the 1998 movie The Truman Show, which prefigures today’s reality television, the unsuspecting star Truman Burbank is filmed  24/7 by hidden cameras. He lives in the town of Seehaven Island, a complete set built within a giant dome, populated by crew members and actors who highlight the product placements that generate revenue for the show. To prevent Truman from discovering the false reality, he is subjected to constant fear messages about the dangers of traveling.

There are clues, such as a spotlight falling out of the sky, and Truman eventually manages to escape.

Jim Quinn compares Truman’s situation to that of the world population during the pandemic (tinyurl.com/vekamdff). “The world seems to be scripted and directed by Machiavellian managers, working behind a dark shroud, representing an invisible governing authority, molding our minds, suggesting our ideas, dictating our tastes, and creating fear.” Their goal, he writes, is to destroy our civil society and common culture on behalf of globalists attempting to implement their Great Reset agenda.

Christof, the show’s creator, declares that Truman could discover the truth and leave at any time, while using every diabolical trick to keep that from ever happening, because his show generated revenues exceeding the GDP of a small country.

“The plot of the movie focuses on individuality versus conformity, consumerism, voyeurism, reality versus manipulation, false narratives, the truth about the American Dream, and the dangers of surveillance in a technologically advanced society.”

The ending of the show is a tribute to the strength of an individual. How can people today escape, as escape hatches are sealed off? Quinn discusses “Irish Democracy,” where a silent dogged resistance, marked by the withdrawal from society, belligerence to authority, and non-compliance with government dictates by millions of ordinary people would accomplish far more than rioting and armed revolution.

“Millions have already practiced a form of Irish Democracy by not masking, not social distancing, not getting jabbed, and taking control of their own health decisions.”

Quinn offers hope: “The beast isn’t as strong as it portrays. It’s broke and its empire of debt is crumbling.” If enough patriots walk away from this abnormal society, “our totalitarian Christofs”  could “wallow in their failure to control the truly awoken.”

Information Heals

For guidance through the cacophony of biased, deceitful, or unverified information, see neutralresearcher.substack.com.

AAPS Calendar

Jan 19, 2023. Marxism in Medicine Webinar.

Feb 18, 2023. Board of Directors meeting, virtual.

Oct 26-28, 2023. 80th Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX.


Download our newly revised and updated COVID Patient Guide at aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/. This Guide has been requested by millions of patients in the U.S. and worldwide.

Do ESG Policies Violate the Law?

Companies that follow the goals of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria may be breaking antitrust, civil rights, and Employee Retirement Income Security Agency (ERISA) laws, according to former investment banker Kevin Stocklin. Hundreds of the world’s largest corporations have signed joint pledges  committing to “net zero” carbon goals. This might constitute “coordinated action” against other companies, in violation of antitrust laws, writes C. Boyden Gray (tinyurl.com/4tydvj9j). Preferences for certain racial or sexual minority groups are being challenged as discriminatory.

Fiduciary laws require corporate and public pension fund executives to act in the best interests of investors and shareholders. Currently, 24 states forbid ideological investing, including ESG, for their public pension funds (ibid.).

“It is inappropriate to require that candidates for promotion and tenure demonstrate their commitment to a political ideology. Forcing candidates to declare their support for DEI when many undoubtedly oppose it would compel dishonesty,” writes Stanley Goldfarb of Do No Harm (https://tinyurl.com/5c8p3dc9).

A coalition of 19 state attorneys general have launched a formal investigation into six major U.S. banks, citing legal concerns about banks’ ESG investing and their involvement with a UN alliance fighting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The banks “appear to be colluding with the UN to destroy American companies” and undermine the nation’s best interests, one of the AGs said. Another said the policies resulted in shipping jobs to China, as the regime there ensures low-cost energy from coal. Missouri AG Eric Schmitt said the Net-Zero Banking Alliance would keep Missouri farmers, oil leasing companies, and other vital businesses from getting loans. Pensioners’ retirements would be sacrificed to BlackRock’s climate agenda (https://tinyurl.com/5bxw2x75).

Worker’s Compensation for Vaccine Injuries?

Some lawyers think the employees who suffer an injury or disability after receiving a mandated COVID-19 shot might be able to collect benefits from worker’s compensation. While success is not assured, the process is easier, more rapid, and more likely to succeed than the government’s PREP system, and does not preclude receiving benefits from another source. The “no-fault” system precludes blaming government compulsion.

 “The more people file claims…, the more employers—and their insurers—may feel pressure to reconsider employer-mandated vaccines in the future, attorneys suggest (https://tinyurl.com/3ej4zdv9). 

Tip of the Month: The FDA wrongly disparages ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, despite being approved as safe for decades, but meanwhile it just bypassed physicians by authorizing pharmacists to sell an abortion drug directly to the public. Under new rules released by the FDA the first week in January, the abortion medication mifepristone may be sold directly by pharmacies that sign up for this program, without a physician ever evaluating or advising the patient. States may prohibit this, and some do. But California and New York, which just led the country in having the biggest population decreases of the past year according to the Census, welcome this new rule to bypass physicians.

ESG Demands for Patients

Mass General Brigham has enacted a Patient Code of Conduct, which it claims is similar to that of many healthcare systems. It prohibits “offensive comments about others’ race, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal traits” and invites anyone who witnesses such behavior to report it. Violators may be “asked” to make other arrangements for care (https://tinyurl.com/2hnt762d). Officials refused to say whether “mis-gendering” would count as a violation (tinyurl.com/3v4u8eb7).

Double Standard for Disparities?

While discriminating against non-“Woke” persons, even to the extent of denying treatment, may be required, permitting patients to purchase better care is “ethically indefensible,” argue two young physicians in AMA Journal of Ethics. “To allow VIP health care to exist condones the notion that some people—namely, wealthy White people—deserve more care sooner and that their well-being matters more” (https://tinyurl.com/yc5hchev).

FDA Sued over Abortion Pill

Four physicians, along with the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, the American College of Pediatricians, and the Christian Medical & Dental Association, filed suit against the FDA over the approval of the chemical abortion drug mifepristone (Mifeprex™). Attorney Julie Marie Blake stated that FDA “has failed to protect the safety of women and girls by exposing them to drugs that are dangerous and never properly studied for safety, and that never, under the law, were allowed to be approved in the first place” (https://tinyurl.com/35ezmnuw).

Plaintiffs ask that the Court issue a preliminary and permanent injunction ordering the drug to be removed from the market.  The Complaint alleges that FDA “eliminated the few safeguards it initially established to protect women and girls who go through the chemical abortion drug regimen.” It “never required an assessment that evaluated the safety and effectiveness of chemical abortion drugs on pregnant girls under 18 years of age” even though “endocrine disruptors such as mifepristone could have significant impacts on an adolescent girl’s developing body and reproductive system.” It also eliminated the requirement to report nonfatal adverse effects, allowed mail-order prescriptions despite express prohibition under federal law, and increased permitted gestational age, among other problems (https://tinyurl.com/366vrsen).

Rebuilding Jefferson’s ‘Wall of Separation’

Leftists agitating against Nativity scenes or prayer at a football game completely misinterpret a sentence fragment from a letter by Thomas Jefferson referring to a “wall of separation between the church and state.” The letter was in response to a letter from Baptists concerning the 150 years of persecution they had suffered in both New England and southern colonies. They wrote: “What religious privileges we enjoy (as a minor part of the State) we enjoy as favors granted, and not as inalienable rights.” Jefferson’s “wall” was to protect people of faith from government, not the other way around  (https://tinyurl.com/26szn5ua).


Certification in Transgender Treatment. At age 24, Prisha Mosley is telling her story about the “gender transition” therapy she was subjected to, with testosterone therapy at age 17 and bilateral mastectomy at age 18. She had been sexually assaulted and had several mental health problems including anorexia. She discovered transgenderism on line, and as soon as she mentioned it, a therapist rushed her into “gender affirming” treatment. Her parents were told that she would die without it (https://tinyurl.com/26rdam6j). There is an organization that “certifies” “providers” in various specialties to perform such abuse and mutilation (wpath.org/gei). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) cites it in its section on “Treatment of Transgender Youth” on its website aap.org.

Lawrence R. Huntoon, M.D., Ph.D., Lake View, NY

Hyperaggressive AAP Approach Not Supported. In Sweden, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria has increased 20-fold over the past 10 years in persons under the age of 20. The policy of “watchful waiting” in many Western nations contrasts sharply with the “affirmation and action” policy of the AAP. Four of the six members of AAP’s LGBT Health & Wellness Committee are actively working in and promoting gender-affirming therapies, an obvious conflict of interest. Their policy paper fails to mention that the dysphoria may be transitory, neglects to cite outcomes literature, and misrepresents the contents of some citations.

Ken Fisher, M.D., https://tinyurl.com/2p9vvjrz

‘I Can’t Recall.’ In a 7-hour deposition by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who once said “I am the science,” could recall hardly anything about his COVID-19 response or social media censorship of opposing views.

Paul Alexander, Ph.D.,  https://tinyurl.com/mvydu6ba

Who Is Telling the Truth? Seeing the stark opposing positions between left and right on almost every issue, a person might ask, how can one determine which position is right, and which one might not only be wrong, but a lie? The intolerance of leftists reveals their mendacious mindset—and the true believer’s inability to consider evidence proving their ideas wrong. Dennis Prager writes: “With rare exceptions, the party that calls for censorship is lying. People who tell the truth can deal with dissent…. In fact, truth-tellers welcome debate.” If correct, this means the Left is virtually always lying (tinyurl.com/5778h2j9).

John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D., Brownwood, TX

Extreme Politicization of Science. Coronadoom research has reached new heights of asininity. Exhibit 1: A paper in The Lancet: Regional Health claims to show that “exposure to conservatism,” reflected in voting records of members of Congress, correlated with COVID mortality rates (tinyurl.com/4ubcp47v). Exhibit 2: A paper in Am J Med claims to show that vaccine hesitancy increases the risk of involvement in a traffic crash. Authors conclude that “a distrust of government or belief in freedom…contributes to both vaccination preferences and increased traffic risks” (https://tinyurl.com/yp74m466).

William Briggs, Ph.D., www.wmbriggs.com/post/44227/

Why Do Doctors Push Mass Vaccination? In early 2021, the HHS/CDC $13 billion “COVID-19 Community Corps” made undisclosed individual payments to hundreds of organizations, including AMA, AAFP, ACOG, AAP, and AMSA. Investigation will probably show a temporal link to vaccine-promoting activities. Might this explain the AMA’s 2021 campaign to “abolish” the use of ivermectin? Or promoting vaccines for children and pregnant women without safety trials?

Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H., tinyurl.com/2cy7cxfe

‘We Own the Science.’ UN communications representative Melissa Fleming, who spoke on a World Economic Forum disinformation panel on Sept 28, 2022, stated that the UN had partnered with big-tech search platforms such as Google to manipulate search results, e.g., on climate change and COVID-19. The UN is in the process of setting up the tools to censor ALL misinformation that the UN deems unhelpful for a “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.”

Robert W. Malone, M.D.,  https://tinyurl.com/5zdejm8b

Why It Keeps Happening. Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible. If you experimentally adopt the position that our government is actively working to harm us, to dismantle modern society and enslave all people in a digitally controlled totalitarian world, it all fits. Nothing is surplus. Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family. But now they are coming for you and your children.

Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., https://tinyurl.com/2a8rux7n

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