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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943


As you know, the Preamble to the Constitution of these United States reads: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for […]


To preclude legalized plunder by the federal government, the Founding Fathers provided for a balance of power not only between the three branches of the federal government – i.e., the Executive, the Legislative, the Judiciary […]


By Curtis W. Caine, Sr., M.D. In a business or organization an industrious person with ability and ambition may, by hard work and ingenuity, rightfully gain a position of authority over others who voluntarily submit. But in […]

In Perspective (Conclusion)

Here are the concluding remarks of Howard Phillips on the Constitution of the(se) United States. Once again, let us each resolve to expend ourselves to the reestablishment of our Republic to its Constitutional limitations and […]

In Perspective

In each of the previous twenty-eight issues of the Medical Sentinel, I have striven to plainly and simply elucidate the history, content, intent, precepts, integration, restrictions, precedents, proscriptions, violations, discipline, penalties, and duties of the […]