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AAPS News August 2016 – MACRA: Pokemon Go for Doctors

The latest fad, a “free” smartphone app called Pokémon GO, has reportedly exceeded even Twitter and pornography in popularity. One hospital has banned it for employees because they were glued to their screens instead of interacting with patients.

Government Waging War on Doctors with Prosecutorial Tricks

Under the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has jurisdiction over only three crimes: treason, counterfeiting, and piracy, writes Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) General Counsel Andrew Schlafly in the summer issue of the […]

Legislative Update Special Edition: The War on Opiates

Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD summarizes recent healthcare-related legislative activity on Capitol Hill. There is no question that opiate abuse – both legal and illegal is on the rise in all demographics. Congress introduced several laws […]

Legislative Update – 12/1/2015

Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD summarizes recent healthcare-related legislative activity on Capitol Hill. Reconciliation Placed on the Senate’s Calendar H.R. 3762, the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015, authored by Rep. Tom Price, MD […]

Health Policy Legislative Update – 7/25/2015

Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD summarizes recent healthcare-related legislative activity on Capitol Hill. Senator Mike Lee Takes Bold Step to Repeal ObamaCare The Washington Post and Freedom Works are reporting on Senator Lee’s plan to force […]

Actions Against Pain Management Physicians

This is just a partial list of recent cases, beginning with the most recent. Multiply the number of doctors times the number of patients – tens of thousands have been deprived of life-saving treatment. William […]

War on Pain Doctors and Patients

Doctors who treat chronic pain are increasingly targeted, prosecuted, and sent to prison by the Drug Enforcement Agency and Dept. of Justice. This war on doctors has led to widespread undertreatment of patients who require schedule […]