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AAPS News August 2016 – MACRA: Pokemon Go for Doctors

The latest fad, a “free” smartphone app called Pokémon GO, has reportedly exceeded even Twitter and pornography in popularity. One hospital has banned it for employees because they were glued to their screens instead of interacting with patients.

Medical Errors, Hysteria, and Death

By Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D. – http://earandbalance.net Medical errors are taken very seriously by the medical profession. It starts early in training at M&M (Morbidity & Mortality) Conference. During M&M, each complication and death is […]

Death by Regulation

This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane M. Orient, M.D. Farzad Mostashari, who spent two years leading the White House effort to implement electronic health records, has argued that Medicare’s new physician payment […]