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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Index to AAPS News, August,

Index to AAPS News, August, 1986-April, 2006

3M and medical procedure codes 3/01,2
AAFP 1/94,2; 4/94,2
AAFP 10/00,2
AAFP 2/01,3
AAFP 2/02,2
AAFP, stand on universal coverage 10/99,2
AAN on right to die 12/03,1
AAP 1/94,2
AAP 10/00,2
AAP vaccine refusal form 4/06,2
AAPS associate membership 9/93,4
AAPS Medicare survey 1999 10/99,2
AAPS Non-Participation Policy 3/03,1
AAPS Nonparticipation Policy 4/95,3
AAPS Patients' Bill of Rights 1/98,1
AAPS survey, Arizona physicians on managed care 5/97,2
AAPS testimony 5/93,2
AAPS v HHS 8/02,3
AAPS v Clinton, payment of sanctions 3/98,3
AAPS v Thompson (HIPAA privacy rule0 2/02,3
AAPS v Clinton 10/95,1
AAPS v Clinton 12/95,1
AAPS v Clinton 12/94,1
AAPS v Clinton appeal 4/98,3
AAPS v Clinton 5/03,1
AAPS v HHS 11/02,3
AAPS v. Clinton 11/94,1
AAPS v. Clinton 5/97,2
AAPS v. Weinberger 8/95,1
AAPS v. Clinton 4/93, 1,3; 5/93,1,3; 6/93,1; 8/93,1,3; 10/93,3; 12/93,1; 2/94,3; 4/94,1; 5/94,3; 6/94,3; 8/94,2
AAPS v. FDA (pediatric rule) 12/01,3
AAPS v. Clinton, mootness 1/95,3
AAPS v. Bowen 11/88,1; 7/89,3; 9/90,1,3; 12/90,1; 6/91,2; 8/91,3
AAPS v. Weinberger 12/97,S2
AAPS v. FDA 1/04,3
AAPS v. Thompson 1/02,3
AAPS v. Thompson, privacy regs 10/01,3
AAPS v. Weinberger 9/99,1
AAPS v. Bowen I,II 1/93,3
AAPS v. Thompson on HIPAA privacy rule 3/02,3
AAPS v. HHS 1/03,3
AAPS v. Weinberger 3/89,4; 3/92,1
AAPS v. Clinton 9/00,3
AAPS v. Thompson 9/01,1
AAPS v. Clinton 4/00,1
AAPS v. Clinton 11/95,3
AAPS v. Clinton remanded 10/99,3
AAPS v. Clinton 10/94,1,3
AAPS v. Clinton 1/98,2
AAPS v. Clinton 4/95,3
AAPS v. Weinberger 1/98,1
AAPS v. HHS (Privacy Rule) 7/03,3
AAPS v. Clinton 1/99,3
AAPS v. Clinton, sanctions awarded 5/03,3
AAPS v. Weinberger 1/98,3
AAPS v. Clinton, sanctions in 2/98,1
AAPS v. Clinton 3/99,1
AAPS v. FDA 12/02,3
AAPS-PAC 1/94,3
AAPS-PAC report 3/00,2
Aaron, Henry 1/96,3
Aaron, Henry 3/06,1
AARP 11/97,1,S2
AARP 5/02,4
AARP 5/02,S1
AARP 5/95,S2
AARP 5/90,1; 10/92,S1
AARP 5/98,S2
AARP 6/01,S2
AARP 6/99,S1
AARP 7/02,2,4
AARP 8/95,S1
AARP 9/94,3
AARP and private contracting 4/98,S4
AARP and private contracts 12/97,S1
AARP prescription drug benefit 4/02,S2
abandonment 2/03,1
Abbott and Costello 8/00,1
ABC Nightline 12/99,4
ABC Plan, CMA 9/91,1
abortion 3/96,1
abortion 4/91,2
abortion 6/98,3
abortion access 4/92,2
abortion and breast cancer 2/02,3
abortion and liberty 12/88,2; 8/89,2
abortion backlash 1/02,4
abortion/breast cancer 12/03,3
abortion, breast cancer risk in 11/00,3
abortion, Clinton position on 4/95,S2
abortion coverage 5/94,S1
abortion, eugenic 8/05,2
abortion, Gore on 9/92 S1
abortion, in uniform benefits 6/93,1
abortion, information on 4/01,1
abortion, informed consent 8/02,3
abortion, insurance coverage 3/94,2
abortion, Jocelyn Elders and 2/93,S1
abortion, managed competition and 2/93,2
abortion, Missouri case 5/89,4
abortion, partial birth 4/00,3
abortion, partial birth 11/99,2
abortion, partial birth 11/96,S2
abortion, partial birth 8/05,2
abortion, partial birth 4/97,S2
abortion regulation lawsuits 12/88,3
abortion, standard benefit 9/93,S2
abortion, state laws 10/94,3
abortion training 4/95,2
Abortion funding 7/90,3
Abortion Non-Discrimination Act 8/02,3
Abortion, parental consent 8/90,4
abortions 7/93,3,S2
abortions, Canada 4/88,4; 7/89,2
abortions, Canada 3/00,1
abortions, public funding 1/90,3
Abramowitz, Kenneth 4/93,4
Abschöpfung 6/01,2
abuse, legal def. 9/00,2
Acadiana Coalition 1/95,2
access, "right" to 4/92,2
access and mandatory assign. 12/90,4
access problems 7/03,S2
access to courts 4/92,1
access under single payer 3/00,2
Access and Choice Act 12/99,S1
ACCESS Procedures Manual 3/96,3
accident insurance 8/98,4
accountability 9/98,1
accountability of federal agents 7/02,3
accountability v. autonomy 1/06,2
accountable health organizations 3/99,2
Accountable Health Plans 2/93,1
Accountable Health Partnerships 8/92,S2
accounting, government 9/02,1
accreditation and AMA 9/96,1
Accreditation Council for GME 9/93,1
ACGME 9/93,1
ACIP 10/00,2
ACLU 12/98,3
ACLU 2/96,1
ACOG 10/00,2
ACOG 3/93,2
ACP 6/90,1; 10/92,S1; 1/94,2
ACP/ASIM 3/03,1
ACP/ASIM 5/02,2
ACP/ASIM Center for Ethics 1/99,1
ACP/ASIM 11/02,4
acquittal, effect on sentencing 2/97,3
Action democratique du Quebec 6/05,1
active compression-decompression CPR 8/94,2
activism, judicial 1/92,3
Acton, Lord 10/02,3
actuarial estimates 5/00,4
actuaries, full employment for 2/00,4
Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care 7/00,1
Ada County, ID and MSA 11/95,1
Adams, Charles 11/01,1
Adams, Charles 2/00,3
Adams, Frank 2/04,3
Adams, John 4/98,S4
Adams, John 8/02,2
Adams, Mark 7/00,3
Adams, Sam 8/95,1
Adams, Samuel 12/01,2
addiction to welfare 9/97,2
Adkins, Lewis E 11/88,3
Adler, Steven J 2/99,4
Adlerstein, David 10/01,2
Administar 5/98,2
AdminiStar 2/96,4
AdminiStar Federal 2/01,3
administration, costs of 7/00,1
administrative cost in single payer 12/02,4
administrative costs, Medicare 9/02,1
administrative costs, Medicare 7/00,4
administrative costs 2/03,S2
administrative costs, public schools 10/02,4
administrative costs 8/91,2
administrative costs 7/00,S2
administrative costs, single payer 3/00,2
administrative costs, Medicaid 11/02,2
administrative efficiency 11/04,2
administrative efficiency 3/06,4
administrative law 1/00,1
administrative law 3/02,1
administrative law 9/00,3
administrative law, testimony concerning 6/98,S1-2
administrative law 10/92,4; 1/93,2
administrative law 6/98,3
administrative overhead, Canada 11/94,2
administrative pricing, Medicare 1/00,S1
administrative pricing, Medicare 4/02,S2
administrative savings 2/93,2
administrative simplification 8/98,4
administrative simplification 8/98,1
administrative simplification 9/96,1
administrative simplification, effect on hospitals 7/00,S2
administrative simplification 8/96,4
administrative simplification 5/97,1
administrative simplification 11/94,1
administrative simplification 8/96,1
administrative simplification 6/98,4
administrative simplification 6/97,3
administrative simplification 8/95,4
administrative simplification 2/01,1
Administrative civil rights act 11/97,3
Administrative Discipline Committees 4/04,4
Administrative Medicaid Outreach Program 6/99,3
Administrative Procedure Act 3/98,1
Administrative Procedure Act 11/97,3
Administrative Procedure Act 4/01,3
Administrative Procedure Act 5/95,3
Administrative Procedure Act, Montana 6/02,3
Administrative Procedure Act 8/98,1
Administrative Procedure Act 11/90,3; 6/91,2; 3/92,3; 9/92,3; 10/92,3
Administrative Procedure Act 9/00,3
Administrative Procedure Act 12/01,3
Administrative Procedure Act 6/97,3
Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA) 11/02,4
Administrative Simplification Rules 6/05,3
Administrative Simplification 5/99,1
Administrative Simplification, Clinton Task Force 5/03,1; 7/03,1
administrators, power increase with Medicare 10/98,4
Adult Protective Services Act, Arizona 2/03,3
advance directives 5/05,1
advance directives 12/03,1
advance directives 2/91,2; 2/93,2
Advance Beneficiary Notice 4/98,1
Advance Beneficiary Notice 4/98,S3
Advanced Beneficiary Notice 9/99,1
adverse selection 3/98,S2
adverse selection 7/96,S1
adverse selection 1/96,S2
adverse selection 2/92,2
adverse selection 5/00,S1
adverse selection 2/03,1
advertising, direct drug 5/02,4
advisory opinion 9/96,S1, 10/96,2
Advisory Board Company 3/96,2
Advisory Board Company 12/98,3
Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry 5/97,1
Advisory Committee on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry 1/98,S2
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 5/00,2
Advisory Committee on Regulatory Reform 3/02,2
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 3/00,3
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 12/99,3
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) 1/01,3
advocacy v. lying 6/00,3
Aetna 10/05,1
Aetna 12/99,3
Aetna 5/95,2
Aetna of Georgia 4/91,1; 1/93,3
Aetna settlement 7/03,3
Aetna settlement and AMA 8/03,4
Aetna/US HealthCare 8/00,S2
affidavit for Medicare opt out 3/98,3
Affirmation of Citizens' Rights 3/97,4
Affirmation of Citizens' Rights 2/97,4
Affirmation of Citizens' Rights 4/97,4
Affordable Health 8/95,2
AFL-CIO 9/94,3
age discrimination 6/98,3
Age Concern England 3/00,S2
Agency for Health Care Quality Research 9/98,S1
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 2/95,3
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) 9/04,1
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 3/98,S1
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1/98,4
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 1/96,2
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 1/06,2
aging 1/01,S1
agricultural subsidies and doctors 4/97,S1
Aguilar, Georginia 9/99,4
AHA 8/94,1
AHA guidelines 1/06,1
AHA v. Sullivan 9/91,3
AHCCCS 1/87,1; 8/92,1
Ahmed, Jamil 7/05,1
AHPs (Accountable health plans) 2/93,1
AIDS 6/88,3; 1/89,2; 2/89,4; 3/89,1; 11/91,2
AIDS, funding for AZT 5/87,4
AIDS legislation 11/89,4
AIDS patients, leak of file 11/96,2
AIDS Prevention Act 7/90,4
AIDS testing 1/88,4
AIDS, toll mounts 4/89,2
Aimster 1/04,3
Akula, John 6/01,3
Al-Jadda, Souheil 9/90,1; 12/90,1
Alabama Board of Medical Examiners 5/03,3
Alamo 11/93,1
Alaska Airlines 12/00,2
Alaska, state employees' insurance claims 3/97,4
Albert, Carl 8/00,2
Alberta Bill 11 6/00,2; 7/00,2
Alberta Bill # 37 1/99,2
Alberta Health and Wellness 3/02,2
Alberta, private pay in 4/95,2
alchemy of tears 4/96,1
ALEC 1/94,2
ALEC 9/94,2
Alerre, Richard 3/03,3
Alexander, Dan 7/01,3
Alexander, Dan 6/03,3
Alexander v. Sandoval 7/01,3
Alfredson v. Lewisburg Comm Hosp 9/91,3
Alien and Sedition Act 4/98,S4
aliens, undocumented 4/03,1
All Kids Count 9/99,2
All Kids Count 8/98,3
All Kids Count 5/00,2
All Kids Count 5/99,2
All Kids Count 9/00,2
All Kids Count 5/97,2
All Kids Count 6/01,3
Allard, Wayne 8/01,S1
Allegheny General Hospital 3/96,2
Allen, Doris Houser 12/99,3
Allen, Lewis G 8/93,2
Allen, Shirley Anne 12/97,2
Alliance Blue Cross Blue Shield physician bonus 10/98,4
Alliance for Human Research Protection 1/04,3
Alliance for Managed Competition 4/95,1
Alliance for Human Research Protection 12/02,3
Alliance for Health Reform 5/97,2
Alliance for Human Research Protection 9/02,2
Alliance for Human Research Protection 5/02,3
Allison, Ronald 2/05,4
Allison v. Merck 3/02,3
allowances, tables of 6/02,4
Alper, Philip 1/05,4
Alper, Philip 2/90,1
Alper, Philip 1/04,4
Alper, Philip 5/04,4
Alpha Center 1/95,2
Alpha Center 6/98,1
alternative dispute resolution 2/92,S2; 10/92,S2; 6/94,S1
alternative medicin3 3/96,S2
alternative medicine, spending for 10/02,1
alternative medicine 11/98,2
Altman, Stuart 2/93,S1; 4/93,S1; 6/94,S2
Altman, Stuart 2/99,1
Altman, Stuart 6/99,1
Alzheimer's, denial of treatment 10/97,3
Alzheimer's disease 7/95,4
Alzheimer's disease 10/02,3
AMA, & AAPS v. Clinton 2/94,3
AMA & database copyrights 11/98,1
AMA 10/00,2
AMA 10/02,1
AMA 5/90,4; 2/91,3; 10/91,4; 11/91,2; 1/94,2
AMA 7/02,4
AMA 8/98,1
AMA, AAPS v. Clinton & 4/94,1
AMA and use of RICO against pro-life organizations 10/98,4
AMA and Compassionate Competent Care Initiative 12/97,4
AMA and HIPAA 2/02,4
AMA and HIPAAdocs Corp 1/03,2
AMA and accreditation 9/96,1
AMA and EPEC 1/99,1,4
AMA and CPT revenue 1/04,2
AMA and CPT 2/02,1
AMA and relative value scale 6/92,S1
AMA and AARP, AFL-CIO 9/94,3
AMA and EPEC 2/01,2
AMA and Archer-Kyl 11/97,S2
AMA and private medicine 12/97,S2
AMA and professional courtesy 3/01,4
AMA and RB-RVS 9/00,2
AMA and fraud 1/01,4
AMA and graduate medical education 4/97,2
AMA and HIPAA 7/01,3
AMA and ATLA 9/98,2
AMA and private contracting 9/97,1
AMA, and MMR vaccine 5/00,2
AMA and patients' rights 12/99,2
AMA and Aetna settlement 8/03,4
AMA, brief in NOW v. Scheidler 1/94,2,3
AMA code of ethics 7/99,1
AMA coding 4/06,1
AMA, Common Ground Proposal 3/01,S2
AMA Council on Judicial Affairs on nutrition as Rx 12/03,1
AMA Council on Medical Education 1/04,4
AMA CPT monopoly 10/00,3
AMA CPT contract 9/01,2
AMA, CPT profits 3/01,2
AMA delegates 3/99,2
AMA E&M Guidelines 2/95,3
AMA, endorsement of Medicare reform 12/95,S1
AMA ethics 8/94,4
AMA, evolution of 12/95,2
AMA/HCFA CPT contract 6/98,1
AMA/HCFA partnership 5/00,1
AMA/HCFA E & M Documentation guidelines, proposed resolution concerning 6/98,2
AMA/HCFA CPT agreement 8/00,4
AMA/HCFA E&M codes 2/98,4
AMA/HCFA CPT contract 9/98,3
AMA/HCFA monopoly 2/99,4
AMA/HCFA E & M Documentation Guidelines (also see "E and M or E&M) 6/98;1
AMA/HCFA contract on CPT 12/98,1
AMA, in Veeck v. SBCCI 7/00,3
AMA, in Veeck amicus 5/00,1
AMA Institute for Ethics 1/99,1
AMA marches 5/93,S2
AMA membership 1/88, 4
AMA on right to die 12/03,1
AMA, on privacy regs 4/00,1
AMA, on Medicare 12/95,2
AMA on privacy 4/01,1
AMA on Terri Schiavo 5/05,2
AMA on P4P 9/05,2
AMA on absolute immunity 4/04,3
AMA on language regulations 3/01,1
AMA on practice guidelines 12/89,4
AMA on feeding tubes 5/05,1
AMA on public-private partnership 4/00,2
AMA on Kassebaum-Kennedy 9/96,1
AMA on Clinton's task force 4/93,1
AMA on managed competition 2/93,1
AMA on HIPAA privacy 9/01,1
AMA, PAC contributions 7/93,S2
AMA physician masterfile 3/97,2
AMA Physician Masterfile 4/00,2
AMA Physician Masterfile 12/98,3
AMA Policy E-2.067 on torture 6/03,2
AMA, principles of medical ethics 11/99,3
AMA principles of medical ethics 2/01,3
AMA Principles of Med Ethics 7/91,1
AMA, role in CPT codes 11/99,3
AMA, role in CPT codes 4/97,3
AMA, RWJF grants 4/03,4
AMA, support for positions 8/96,2
AMA supports practice guidelines 10/89,4
AMAP 2/99,2,4; 6/99,2
ambiguous rules, prosecutions in 1/02,LS
Ambrose, Willard J 2/95,4
ambulatory surgery center delicensed 1/00,1
ambulatory surgery 7/92,4
ambulatory surgery facility 11/00,3
Ambulatory Surgery Clinics 1/01,4
Amendment, First 2/92,3
Amendment, Fourteenth 2/92,3
Amer Assoc Retired Psn 5/90,1
Amer College Hyperbaric Medicine 5/92,3
America's Health Insurance Plans 10/05,S2
American Academy of Neurology 1/99,1
American Academy of Neurology 6/01,4
American Academy of Family Physicians 8/99,4
American Academy of Actuaries 7/96,S1
American Academy of Family Physicians 2/99,1
American Academy of Actuaries 8/95,S2
American Academy of Family Physicians 1/94,2
American Academy of Neurology 8/03,1
American Academy of Pediatrics 6/01,2
American Academy of Pediatrics 5/99,2
American Academy of Neurology, code of ethics 10/97,4
American Academy of Actuaries 2/96,S1
American Academy of Actuaries and K-K 9/96,1
American Academy of Pediatrics 1/94,2
American Assoc Clinical Urologists 4/95,1
American Association of Medical Colleges 4/01,1
American Association of Health Plans 7/98,S1
American Association for the Advancement of Science 6/99,2
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin 10/01,3
American Bar Association 7/01,1
American Bar Assoc, on insurance reform 2/95,S2
American Bar Association 5/96,3
American Bar Association 12/00,2
American Board of Internal Medicine 5/02,2
American Chiropractic Association 4/98,S2
American Civil Liberties Union 6/01,1
American College of Physicians on private contracting 4/98,S4
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1/94,2
American College of Physicians 6/97,2
American College Phys 2/90,1; 1/94,2
American College of Physicians 11/95,1
American College of Physicians 12/02,1
American Conservative Union Health Care Tour 9/94,3
American Council on Science and Health 5/95,3
American Council for Health Care Reform 4/93,1
American Enterprise Institute 6/00,3
American Farm Bureau 8/92,2
American Farm Bureau Federation 12/92,2
American Health Legal Foundation 4/00,3
American Health Lawyers Assoc 6/98,2
American Health Legal Foundation 12/98,3
American Health Information Mgt Assn 8/02,2
American Health Law Association 9/00,1
American Health Legal Foundation 11/00,3; 12/00,1
American Health Information Community (AHIC) 2/06,1; 4/06,1,3
American Hospital Association 8/98,2
American Hospital Assn on HIPAA cost 10/01,3
American Hospital Assoc 5/97,3
American Hospital Association 4/01,1
American Hospital Association (AHA) 3/01,S1
American Hospital Association 3/97,1
American Hospital Association 3/99,3
American Institute for Economic Research 3/99,3
American Legislative Exchange Council 2/02,2
American Legislative Exchange Council 6/01,2
American Legislative Exchange Council 1/94,2
American Legislative Exchange Council 5/00,2
American Life League 1/90,2
American Lithotripsy Society 10/92,3
American Medical Association 7/98,1
American Medical Association Program 2/99,2,4; 6/99,2
American Medical Peer Review Assoc 2/92,4
American Medical Informatics Association 6/98,4
American Medical Students Association 12/99,2
American Medical Association as quislings 7/98,4
American Medical Association, and Flexner Report 6/99,2
American Medical Association on private contracting 4/98,S4
American Nurses Association 3/01,S1
American Pain Society 2/05,3
American Physicians Insurance Exchange 5/96,2
American Postal Workers Union 11/02,S1
American Psychiatric Association 5/99,S2
American Psychiatric Association 1/96,3
American Psychiatric Assoc 1/92,2
American Psychiatric Association, Ritalin suit 1/01,3
American Psychiatric Society 7/03,3
American Psychiatric Association 2/96,1
American Psychoanalytic Association 1/03,3
American Psychoanalytic Assn 7/03,3
American Public Health Association 1/03,2
American Public Health Assoc 4/92,2
American Society of Dermatology v. Shalala 5/00,1
American Society of Dermatology v. Shalala 4/97,3
American Society of Internal Medicine/American College of Physicians 7/00,S2
American Society of Internal Medicine, on asset seizure 2/97,3
American Society Intern Med 2/90,1
American Society of Dermatology v. Shalala 6/97,3
American Society of Dermatology 10/95,3
American Surgical Hospital Association 3/04,3
American Trial Lawyers Assoc 9/98,2
Americans for Tax Reform 7/98,2
Americans for Tax Reform 3/05,2
Americans for Tax Reform 8/01,2
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine 10/97,2
Americans for Tax Reform 12/97,S1
Americans with Disability Act and peer review 11/02,3
Americans With Disabilities Act and pain Rx 11/96,2
Americare 3/92,S2
Americcan Bar Association 11/97,3
anabolic steroids 10/97,4
Anders, George 7/97,S1
Anders, George 5/95,2
Andersen, Arthur, conviction reversal 9/05,3
Anderson, AV 10/99,4
Anderson, E Ratcliffe 8/99,3
Anderson, E. Ratcliffe 6/01,2
Anderson, E. Ratcliffe 7/01,1
Anderson, Gary 5/91,3
Anderson, Ron 6/90,1
Anderson, Tony 12/03,3
Andrews, Mike 8/92, S2
Anello, Andrew 9/01,3
anesthesia in ASCs 9/00,4
anesthesia, mortality due to 4/00,2
anesthesia, payment for 1/96,4
Anesthesiologists Affiliated v. Sullivan 10/91,3
Angell, M 3/97,1
Angell, Marcia 11/98,2
Angell, Marcia 8/01,1
Anguilo, James 4/98,2
Annas, George 5/02,3
Annas, George 7/04,3
Annas, George 5/05,1
Annas, George 1/96,3
Annas, George 1/02,1
Annis, Ed 4/98,4
Annis, Edward 12/89,2
anthrax scare 3/02,1
Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) 1/03,1
anti-competitive behavior 10/02,3
Anti-Deficiency Act 5/93,3
anti-dumping act 2/96,3
Anti-Dumping Act 9/91,3; 3/93,3; 7/93,3; 8/94,3
anti-hassle legislation 1/91,2
Anti-hassle bill 9/90,2, 11/90,4
anti-HMO lawsuits 10/98,S1
anti-kickback law 10/91,3; 10/92,1,3; 3/93,3; 6/93,2
anti-kickback rules 2/01,1
anti-kickback rules 6/02,3
anti-kickback statute 2/96,3
anti-kickback statute 12/00,3
Anti-Kickback Statute and discounts to uninsured 2/04,1
Anti-Ku Klux Klan Act 10/90,3; 11/91,1,3
anti-tobacco legislation 8/98,1
anti-tobacco movement 11/00,1
antibiotics, peptide 5/02,3
Antietam 11/01,1
Antietam 11/01,S1
antikickback law and waiver of copayments 1/05,3
Antikickback charges 3/05,3
Antikickback law 4/02,3
antineoplaston 4/05,3
antineoplaston 4/97,3
antineoplastons 7/97,3
antinepotism law 4/93,1; 5/93,3
antitrust 1/97,3
antitrust and govt 4/06,3
antitrust law and PPOs 9/87,3
antitrust law 7/96,3
antitrust law 3/96,3
antitrust law 3/87,3; 4/87,3; 8/87,3; 12/87,3; 7/88,1,3; 8/88,3
antitrust law, malpractice insurance 7/87,3
antitrust law 2/06,1
antitrust violations 6/96,3
antitrust WSMA 9/91,1
Antk-Kickback Statute 8/04,1
Antos, Joe 6/00,3
Antos, Joseph 5/03,S2
Antos, Joseph 6/04,S2; 7/04,S1
Antos, Joseph 7/03,S1
Antos, Joseph 11/05,S1
Antos, Joseph 12/02,S2
any willing paying subscriber 9/01,4
any-willing-provider laws 6/03,3
AOA on Medicare opting out 10/99,4
APHA 4/92,2
appeals, Medicare 1/00,S2
appeasers v. collaborators 1/96,4
Appel, Saul 9/91,2
Appell, James Z 12/95,2
appendectomy, cost 2/92,1
Appleby J 10/01,1
Aragon Consulting Group 5/96,2
arbitration 2/91,3
Arbroath, Declaration of 3/00,2
Archer, Bill 11/97,1
Archer, Bill 2/98,1
Archer, Bill and CLIA 8/95,S2
Archer, William Reynolds III 9/93,S2
Archer, William Reynolds 9/02,2
Archer, Yvonne 7/00,3
Archer, Yvonne 2/01,3
Archer-Jacobs bill 10/95,S2, 12/95,S2
Archer-Kyl bill 11/97,1,S1
Aristotle 5/02,4
Arizona chapter 1/02,2
Arizona Chapter 5/02,2
Arizona Citizen Action 5/01,4
Arizona Diabetes Initiative 4/04,1
Arizona Emergency Powers Bill 3/02,2
Arizona health budget 8/92,1
Arizona Health Plan 5/90,2
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System 1/98,2
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System 8/98,3
Arizona, HMO disclosure 2/96,1
Arizona Medical Association (ArMA) 7/04,2
Arizona Medical Association 7/98,1,2
Arizona Medical Association 7/02,2
Arizona Medical Association 4/98,2
Arizona MSAs 6/94,1
Arizona physicians on KidCare 1/98,2
Arizona Republic 9/00,4
Arizona Supreme Court 5/05,3
Arizona Supreme Court 1/05,3
Arizona Supreme Court 2/03,3
Arkansas Medicaid tax 7/91,2
armed auditors 11/98,3
armed auditors 12/98,2
Armey, Dick 4/01,1
Armey, Dick on HIPAA error 9/01,1
Armey, Dick 8/01,3
Armey, Dick 8/01,S2
Armey, Dick 6/93,S2; 11/93,3; 2/94,2
Armey, Dick 4/99,S1
Armey, Dick 7/01,1
Armey, Dick 6/01,1
Armey, Dick 1/95,S1
Armey, Dick 3/01,S2
Armey, Richard 1/98,S2
Armey, Richard 1/96,S1
Armstrong, John 9/05,2
Arnett, Grace Marie 8/98,S1
Arnett, Grace Marie 6/94,S2
Arnett, Grace Marie 2/95,S1
Arnett, Grace-Marie 10/00,2
Arnett, Jerome 4/93,3
Arnett, Jerome 12/90,3; 1/92,1; 9/92,3; 1/93,3; 3/93,1
Arnett, Jerome 5/02,2
Arnett, Jerome 5/02,4
Arnett, Jerome 9/96,3
Aronovitz, Leslie 12/01,1
Arrow, Kenneth 2/03,1
Arrow, KJ 4/03,1
Arsenau, James 7/97,4
Arthur Anderson 8/02,3
artificial nutrition and hydration 7/05,1
Artinian, Gary 5/97,3
Artinian, Gary 2/97,2
ASA and MSAs 12/95,2
asbestos and WTC collapse 11/01,2
ASCA 3/03,2
Aschman, Diane J 8/03,2
ASD v Shalala 10/95,3
Ash, Timothy Garton 6/01,2
Ashburn, Michael 2/05,3
Ashburn, Michael 10/05,3
Ashburn, Michael 4/05,3
Ashman, Richard 5/95,1
ASIM 6/92,S1
ASIM and CLIA 9/90,3
ASIM on practice guidelines 12/89,4
Asimov, Isaac 12/05,1
Asimov, Isaac 7/98,1
Askanazi, Dr. 11/02,3
Assar v. Crescent Counties Found 3/94,3
assaultative behavior 9/97,3
asset forfeiture 8/92,2; 1/93,1; 6/93,2; 11/93,2; 1/94,2,3
asset forfeiture 3/98,4
asset forfeiture by Inquisition 4/02,1
asset forfeiture 1/03,1
asset forfeiture and private insurers 2/99,3
asset forfeitures, amount 12/93,3
asset freezes 2/97,3
asset freezing 5/00,3
asset seizure, WA 1/04,3
asset seizure 7/93,2
asset seizures, MediCal 12/00,4
assets and judgments 1/05,2
assets, protection of 12/04,3
assigned v. unassigned claims 6/96,3
assignment, mandatory for drugs 3/02,4
assignment, Medicare 5/92,3
assignment of benefits 8/03,3
assignment of benefits and fraud 8/96,2
assignment of benefits 3/98,1
Assignment, mandatory 3/90,4; 5/90,1,2,4
Assignment rates 10/90,2
assignments, effect on fraud 3/98,2
assisted suicide 12/98,4
Associated Press, amicus brief 6/93,3
association health plans 4/02,S1
Association Health Plans 12/04,S2
Association Health Plans (AHPs) 9/05,S1
Association of American Medical Colleges 6/02,1
Association of American Medical Colleges 2/05,2
Association of Trial Lawyers of America 8/01,1
Association of Trial Lawyers of America 9/02,S1
Association of Academic Health Centers 4/01,1
Assurant Health 9/05,2
Astin 11/98,2
Astorino, Arthur 1/95,2
Astorino, Arthur 5/94,2
Astrue, Michael 12/92,3
Atkins, Susan 5/99,2
Atlanta Dermatolog Assoc 12/91,3
Atlantic Institute for Market Studies 10/00,2
Atlantic Regional Osteopathic Convention 6/01,4
Atlas Shrugged 1/02,4
atrial fibrillation, therapy of 2/99,2
Atta, Mohammed 12/02,3
attainder, bill of 12/90,1
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 1/01,1,3; 2/01,4
attestation statement 3/91,1
Attorney DR 4-101(A) 6/98,2
Attorney General subpoena power 5/98,3
attorney-client privilege 4/99,1
attorney-client privilege 2/99,3
attorney-client privilege 6/98,2
attorney-client relationship 1/01,2
Atwater v. Lago Vista 7/01,1
audit, Medicare, risk of 9/00,4
audits, HCFA 12/00,3
audits, Medicare carrier 7/90,4
audits, Medicare 2/00,2
audits, Medicare 8/99,3
audits of US federal agencies 7/02,2
audits, prepayment 7/00,4
Ault, Thomas 7/96,2
Ault, Thomas 8/97,S1
Ault, Thomas 11/95,3,4
Ault, Thomas 10/95,3
Ault, Tom 7/95,1
Auschwitz 11/00,1
Auschwitz 7/91,2
Austin, R Marshall 2/92,3
AustinTxMD 2/98,4
Australia 3/99,2
Australia 9/90,4
Australia, medicine in 3/06,2
Australia, pain management 6/03,2
Australian Doctors Fund 3/97,2
autism 1/03,1
autism 4/04,2
autism 5/00,2
autism and vaccines 7/04,2
autism, ArMA resolution 7/04,2
Autism Research Institute 1/01,1
autoimmune reactions to vaccines 7/99,2
automobile costs vs medical 10/00,1
Automotive Service Assoc 11/95,2
autonomous decision-making 6/98,3
autonomy, physician, in Britain 3/00,2
autonomy v. accountability 1/06,2
autopsy 11/98,3
autopsy of a prosecution 1/02,LS
Avorn, Jerry 4/05,3
Ayala v Tenet 2/03,2
Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood 10/05,3
Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood 3/06,3
B7 exclusion 2/97,3
Babbitt, Bruce 1/95,3
Babel 3/01,1
Babic, Stephen 6/98,1
baby boomers 5/05,4
baby boomers 11/95,S2
Baby Boom and Medicare 7/97,1
bad faith, standard for 9/00,3
Badger, Doug 5/04,S1
Baesler, Scotty 8/94,2
Bailey, Joseph P. 1/90,1
Baker, John S 8/02,3
Balaklaw, Lee on double taxation 7/05,4
Balaklaw, Lee 3/98,4
Balaklaw, Lee 3/01,4
Balaklaw, Lee 7/99,4
Balaklaw, Lee 1/96,4
Balaklaw, Lee 2/96,4
Balaklaw, Lee 5/98,4
Balaklaw, Lee 6/99,4
Balaklaw, Lee 6/03,4
balance billing, OH 4/92,1, 2/94,1
balance billing, ban enforced 4/95,3
balance billing in Ohio 12/94,3
balance billing, WV 6/91,1; 9/92,3
balance billing and Ohio law 8/96,3
balance billing ban, RI 10/87,4
balance billing limits 6/92,S2
balance billing 8/97,S2, 9/97,2
balance billing ban 2/93,3
balance billing ban stands in MA court, 12/87,2
balance billing, need for 5/95,4
Balance billing, NY 10/90,2
Balance billing 3/90,4; 5/90,1; 7/90,4; 11/91,2; 6/93,1
Balance Billing Law, New York State 6/02,4
balanced budget, econometric analysis of 2/96,S2
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 4/98,S1-2
Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 12/00,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 12/00,S1; 1/01,S2
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 1/98,1
Balanced Budget Act 9/99,1
Balanced Budget Act 3/98,S1; 6/98,3
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 1/00,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1995 1/96,S2
Balanced Budget Act 5/99,2
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 10/01,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 8/97,S1, 9/97,1,2; 10/97,S1; 11/97,S1
Balanced Budget Agreement 4/98,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 7/02,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 12/99,S2
Balanced Budget Act 4/98,1
Balanced Budget Amendment 3/95,S2
Balanced Budget Act 5/99,S1
Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 7/00,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 10/98,S2
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 7/98,S2
Balanced Budget Act 6/00,4
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 10/00,1
Balanced Budget act and residency slots 2/05,2
Balanced Budget Act 5/00,S1, S2
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 7/00,S1; 8/00,S2
Balanced Budget Act Sect. 4507 1/98,S1
Balanced Budget Act 1997, section 4507 12/97,3
Balanced Budget Act section 4507 2/98,S1
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 4/01,S2
Balanced Budget Act 4/98,S4
Balanced-Budget Liberalism 4/98,S1
Baldree, Mark 12/02,4
Ball, FM 11/96,4
Ball, Frederic M. 12/95,2
Ball, James Austin 10/95,4
Ball, John 2/93,1
Ball Memorial Hospital v. Mutual Hospital Ins. 1/97,3
Ball, Robert M 10/95,2
Ballon, Jonathan 4/97,4
Baltzan, Marc 9/91,1
Banisar, Dave 9/98,2
Bank Secrecy Act 3/06,3
bankruptcies, medical 10/04,2
bankruptcy & civil monetary penalties 4/91,3
bankruptcy 3/05,1,2,S2
bankruptcy 5/00,3
bankruptcy, Canada 8/91,2
bankruptcy, federal 7/97,S2
bankruptcy, Medicare 6/95,S1
bankruptcy, Medicare 10/95,S1
bankruptcy, Medicare 6/90,4; 7/93,2
bankruptcy, nursing homes 4/00,S2
bankruptcy of Medicare 6/97,S2
Bankruptcy Code and CMPs 2/96,3
Baratta, Pasquale 3/99,4
Barber, Hugh 5/97,4
Barchet, Stephen 3/00,4
Barchet, Steve 1/05,4
Barchet, Steve 8/02,4
Barchet, Steve 4/02,4
Barchet, Steve 1/02,4
Barchet, Steve on Best Practices 2/05,4
Barchet, Steve 6/02,4
Barchet, Steve 4/01,4
Barchet, Steve 6/99,4
Barchet, Steve 9/01,4
Bard, C.R. Inc. 8/94,1
Barents Group 7/98,S1
Barkett, Justice 4/92,3
Barnes, William A 3/97,4
Barr, Bob 5/05,S2
Barr, Bob 2/98,2
barratry 1/92,2
Barrett, Patrick 11/95,2
Bartlett, Roscoe 6/95,S1
Barton, Joe 7/03,S1
Barton, Liza 11/94,4
Bartz, Nicholas 3/97,3
Bartz, Nicholas 8/97,3
basic health benefits WSMA 9/91,1
Bass, Ron 11/95,3
Bassett, Steven 3/06,4
Bast, Joe 8/93,S1
Bastiat, Frederic 4/97,1
Bastiat, Frederic 6/05,2
Bastiat, Frederic 6/02,2
Bastiat, Frederic 2/97,2
Bastiat, Frederick 6/00,3
Bastiat, Frederick 3/99,4
BATF 1/03,1
BATF 5/98,1
Bathsheba 8/98,2
Battiano, Faye 5/95,2
Battisella, Roger 2/99,S1
Baucus Amendment 8/90,2
Baucus, Max 1/02,S2
Baucus, Max 8/96,2
Baucus, Max 2/04, S1
Baucus, Max 1/04,S2
Baucus, Max 1/91,2; 8/92,2
Baucus, Max 8/03,S1
Baucus, Max 12/02,S1
Baucus, Max 12/01,S1
Baucus-Grassley Provision 11/02,S2
Baucus-Grassley Provision 12/02,S1
Bauman, Z 2/94,3
Baumholser v. Amax Coal Co 7/98,3
Bayer Corporation 4/04,2
Beach, James L 2/03,3
bearer transactions 4/01,2
Beauchamp, Roger 9/02,4
Beauchamp, Roger 10/02,4
Beauchamp, Roger 6/02,4
Becker, Taj 1/02,3
Becker, Taj 7/05,3
Becker, Taj 3/01,4
Becker, Taj 6/00,3
Becker, Taj 5/02,2
Becker v. Kroll 7/05,3
Beckmann, Petr 6/00,2
Beckmann, Petr 9/95,2
Beckmann, Petr 1/92,2
Beebe, Michael 10/02,1
behavior as a disease determinant 1/03,2
behavior modification 2/91,1
behavioral adjustment 8/91,1
Belden, Allan "Luke" 12/00,1
Belkin, GS 11/01,3
Belkin, Michael 7/99,2
Bell v. Burson 11/90,3
Belloc, Hilaire 8/05,2
Beltran, Delfin 7/01,4
Ben-Asher, David 12/89,4
Bender, Andrew 11/00,2
Bender, Andrew 9/91,2
Benefits Improvement and Protection Act 3/02,4
Benjamin, Brent 12/04,3
Benjamin, Charles 12/03,3
Benjamin, Charles 11/00,3
Bennahum, David 7/99,3
Bennett, Benjamin 8/04,1
Bennett bill on privacy 8/96,1
Bennett, Bob, Sen. 2/95,S1
Bennett, J Claude 9/93,1
Bennett, JK 4/87,1
Bennett, John 2/00,2
Bennett, Robert 8/94,S2
Bennett, Robert 6/97,S1
Bennett, Robert 3/95,S2
Bennett, Sen. 2/96,1
Bennett, Sen. 1/96,3
Bennett, Senator Robert 7/99,S2
Benoit, Cathy 5/03,2
Benson, Pamela 8/92,2
Bentham, Jeremy 7/04,2
Bentsen, Lloyd 2/92,3; 5/92,S1
Berek, Judith 5/00,3
Berek, Judith 2/97,3
Berenson, Robert 9/00,1
Berenson, Robert 6/98,1
Berenson, Robert 12/00,S2
Bergman, William 9/93,S2
Beria 5/02,1
Berkebile, R.D. 5/90,1,4
Berman, Jerry 11/97,2
Bernardin Amendment 11/02,1
Bernhoft, Robin 9/91,4
Bernstein, Stephen 10/01,3
Berrey, Bedford 11/86,2
Berry, Robert 3/05,4
Berry, Robert 12/04,4
Berry, Robert 9/04,4
Berry, Robert on TennCare 9/05,4
Berry, Robert on Lord of Rings 9/05,1
Berry, Robert 3/01,2
Berry, Robert on EMRs 1/05,4
Berry, Robert and tax subsidies 11/04,4
Berry, Robert 10/04,4
Berry, Robert on overhead 8/05,4
Berry, Robert on price transparency 12/05,4
Berry, Robert, why work? 7/05,4
Berry, Robert on hidden costs 6/05,4
Berry, Robert on Columbus 6/05,1
Berry, Robert on drug costs 4/05,4
Berry, Robert on TennCare 2/04,4
Berry, Robert 5/04,1
Berry, Robert 7/03,2
Berry, Robert 8/03,4
Berry, Robert on the village 7/04,4
Berry, Robert 8/04,4
Berry, Robert 4/03,2
Berry, Robert 7/03,4
Berry, Robert on liability insurance 2/05,4
Berry, Robert 11/00,4
Berry, Robert 5/04,4
Berry, Robert 5/03,2
Berry, Robert 10/05,4
Berry, Robert on insurance requests 3/04,4
Berry, Robert 12/03,2
Berry, Robert on trust in govt 11/05,4
Berry, Robert 10/05,1
Berry, Robert on value 1/06,4
Berry, Robert 2/06,4
Berry, Robert on universal care 3/06,1
Berry, Robert 3/06,4
Berry, Robert on rationing 4/06,4
Bersin, Alan 4/97,3
Bertelsman, Wm O 12/90,3
Berthelsdorf, Siegfried 11/02,4
Bertram, Jonathan 4/06,1
Berwick, Donald 10/99,2
best practices 4/04,1,2; 5/04,4
Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) 12/02,3
beta blockers 2/99,2
Bethany Women's Health Care and Birth Center, and MSAs 7/99,3
Bethell, Tom 11/90,1
Bett, Bari 1/02,4
Betts, Rebecca 2/98,2
Betzold, Senator 6/01,2
Bickett, James L 12/96,3
Biddle, Bob 10/97,1
Biden, Joseph 1/92,4; 6/92,1
Biel, Leonard 8/02,4
Bieri, Peter V 10/87,3
Bierig, Jack 10/98,2
Big Brother 10/02,1
Big Business, exemption from managed competition 6/93,S1
Bilder, Paul 11/99,3
Bilirakis, Michael 12/97,S2
Bilirakis, Michael 4/92,S2; 6/94,S1
Bilirakis, Michael 1/98,S1
Bilirakis, Mike 12/99,S1
Bill 11, Alberta 6/00,2;7/00,2
Bill 114 2/03,4
Bill 114 (Quebec) 11/02,2
Bill 21 (Canada) 5/98,2
billing arrangements, private 10/91,2
billing error rate 4/97,3
billing, Medicare 10/91,2
billing practices, insurance 4/99,3
Billings, Frank 6/99,2
bills of rights 7/98,S1
Bingaman, Anne K. 7/96,3
biometrics, fraud detection 9/04,3
Bion Diagnostic Sciences 7/00,S2
biopsy, breast, payment for 8/98,4
Biotechnology Industry Organiz 8/94,4
bioterrorism 1/02,1
bioterrorism 5/02,2
Bipartisan Commission on Future of Medicare 4/01,S2
Bipartisan Consensus Managed Care Improvement Act 12/99,S1
Bipartisan Leadership Group 6/93,1
Bipartisan Medicare Commission 8/99,S2
birth defects, reporting of 12/03,2
Bishop, Keith 2/97,S2
Bismarck 7/96,4
Bismarck 8/87,2; 7/91,2; 3/92,4
Bissell, Nicholas 8/97,3
black box edits 9/99,3
black market 2/91,2
Black, Edwin 12/03,2
Black, Edwin 9/01,3
Blackburn, Roy 6/00,4
Blackburn, Roy 1/00,4
Bladeck, Bruce 8/97,S1
Blagojevich, Gov. Rod 5/05,3
Blair, Tony 2/98,2
Blair, Tony 3/01,4
Blakely v. Washington 8/04,3; 8/04,3
Blanchard, TP 4/98,S4
Blank, Harvey 8/95,4
Blankley, Tony 11/01,1
Blaylock, Russell 11/95,2
Blaylock, Russell 11/95,1
blended pay 2/06,4
Blendon, Robert 6/04,S1; 7/04,S1
Blendon, Robert 8/93,S1, 5/94,2
Blevins, Sue 9/02,1
Blevins, Sue 4/01,1
Blevins, Sue 10/02,1
Blevins, Sue 3/96,S2
Bliley, Thomas 11/96,S2
Bliley, Thomas 5/95,3
Bliley, Tom 12/99,S1
Bliss, Michael 3/02,2
Bloche, M Gregg 6/00,3
Block, Marshall 5/90,4
Blome, Dexter 10/95,2
Blome, Dexter 3/93,1
bloodborne pathogens standards 10/92,1
Bloom v. O'Brien 3/94,3
Blount, Richard L 2/93,4
blue roof program 4/06,4
Blue Choice 5/96,2
Blue Cross, to be Medicare sole carrier 8/00,2
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 6/01,1
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois 5/00,3
Blue Cross, Pennsylvania 2/03,1
Blue Cross Alabama 3/88,4
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan 6/99,3
Blue Cross, role in fraud investigations 3/97,3
Blue Cross, first prepayment scheme 1/04,1
Blue Cross 5/95,2
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 4/02,2
Blue Cross WV 4/91,3
Blue Cross and coding audits 4/97,4
Blue Cross/Blue Shield 11/95,1
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Minnesota 11/95,2
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of KY 11/90,3; 4/91,2
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Ohio 10/95,2
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois 9/98,3
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama 7/98,3
Blue Cross gag order 11/87,4
Blue Cross/Blue Shield 5/90,3; 10/93,1
Blue Cross of California, penalized for MSAs 2/97,S2
Blue Cross 9/94,3
Blue Cross of California 9/02,2
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, preferences to 2/06,2
Blue Shield of California, fine for altering claims 8/96,3
Blue Shield and contractor performance 2/06,3
BlueCross/Blue Shield payment mechanism 4/03,1
BlueCross/BlueShield of Illinois 2/00,3
BlueCross/BlueShield Michigan 10/04,3
Blues, antitrust violations of 2/02,1
Bluhm, William 3/98,S2
Blum, Mike 3/00,3
Blumenstein, James 8/01,1
Blumenthal, David 7/92,S2
Blumstein, James 12/01,2
Boadicia, Queen 2/00,1
Board of Medical Examiners 2/90,3
Board of Trustees of Not-for-Profit Hospitals 4/99,S1
Board of Medical Examiners, inconsistencies 8/97,4
boat race 10/00,4
Boehner, John 12/99,S1
Boehner, John 11/99,S1
Boese, John 3/00,3
Boggs, Danny 9/90,1
Bogle, John 5/04,4
Bond, Christopher 5/03,2
Bond, Douglas 9/99,3
Bond, Michael 5/97,2
bone density scans 12/00,S2
Bone Mass Measurement Act of 1997 12/00,S2
bonfire for managed care contracts 2/00,2
Bonfire of the Vanities 4/91,3
Bongiorno, Frank Paul 2/03,3
Bonilla, Carlos 10/93,S2
Bonior, David 6/93,1
Bonior, David 9/97,S1
Boo-Jump test 2/97,4
book-entry settlements 4/01,2
Boone, Beverly Gale 12/03,3
Boortstin, Robert 10/93,S1
Booz, Robert 5/04,1
Borchers, Samia 10/95,2
Bordeaux, Deborah 6/03,2
Bordeaux, Deborah 3/03,3
Bordeaux, Deborah 1/06,3
border control 5/05,S1
Border Patrol 4/03,1
Boreen, Stuart 7/02,4
Borelli, Nelson 2/00,3
Borelli, Nelson 2/01,4
Boren, David 7/93,S1
Borisov, political prisoner 11/01,3
Bork, Robert 1/98,1
Bork, Robert 2/00,2
Bork, Robert 9/99,1
Bormann, Martin 1/99,1
Boronow, Richard 11/95,2
Boston Consulting Group 8/00,S1
Boswell, Donna 12/01,1
Boswell, Donna 7/01,3
Botto, Lorenzo 4/05,3
Boucher, Pierre 1/97,2
Boulris, Craig 12/02,3
Boulter, Beau 3/88,1
bounties 10/01,4
bounty hunters, CMS 9/05,3
bounty hunters 3/03,3
bounty system 10/96,2
Bovard, James 2/98,3
Bovard, James 3/98,4
Bowen v. Georgetown University Hospital 9/00,3
Boxer, Barbara 11/96,S2
Boxer, Barbara 2/99,S2
Boxer, Barbara 9/01,S2
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale 9/00,4
Boy Scouts of America v. James Dale 4/00,3
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale 8/00,3
Boycott, Charles 7/97,4
Boyd, Claud 3/97,4
Boyd, Claud 8/89,1; 9/90,4; 12/90,2
Boyd, Eileen 6/91,2; 8/91,3
Boyer, Jeff 3/05,2
Boyle, Coleen 5/00,2
Boyle, Philip 4/00,2
Boyles, John 4/96,3
Boyles, John 1/90,2; 10/92,4
Boyles, John H 10/02,4
Boyles, John 11/97,3
Brackney, John 1/02,LS
Braddock Bill 12/91,1; 7/92,2
Braddock, Dennis 9/91,1
Bradley, Bill 2/00,S1
Bradley, Bill 11/96,S1
Brailer, David 8/05,1
Brailer, David 7/92,S2
brain drain, Canadian 10/98,2
brain drain, U.S. 12/02,4
brain drain, Canadian 10/00,2
Braithwaite, William 4/03,3
Braithwaithe, William 11/02,3
Branch Davidians 6/93,S1
Brandeis, Justice Louis 10/01,2
Brase, Twila 8/98,3
Brase, Twila 12/03,2
Brase, Twila on EBM 9/04,4
Brase, Twila 3/04,4
Brase, Twila 4/04,1
Brase, Twila on EBM 2/05,2
Brase, Twila 1/00,2
Brase, Twila 4/99,4
Brase, Twila 1/98,2
Brase, Twila 9/98,2
Brase, Twila 2/05,1
Brase, Twila 1/03,2
Brase, Twila, on OASIS 5/99,2
Brase, Twila 4/99,3
Brase, Twila 8/99,3
Braun, Beatrice 4/98,S4
Braverman, Eric 8/97,4
Bray, Thomas 9/02,2
Brazil, currency devaluation 11/05,4
breast cancer and abortion 2/02,3
breast cancer and abortion 11/00,3
Breaux, John 7/01,S1
Breaux, John 2/02,S1
Breaux, John 5/01,S2
Breaux, John 1/00,S1
Breaux, John 4/99,S2
Breaux, John 12/93,S2
Breaux, John 5/00,S1
Breaux, John 11/00,2; 3/01,S1
Breaux, John 9/01,S2
Breaux, John 7/97,S2
Breaux, John 3/98,S2; 4/98,S2
Breaux, John 3/99,S1
Breaux, Sen 11/95,S2
Breaux, Sen. 8/97,S2
Breaux-Thomas proposal 7/02,S1
Breggin, Peter 1/01,1
Brennan, Troyan 3/04,1
Brennan, Troyer 2/99,1
Brennan v. Harris 4/90,3
Brent Teaching Primary Care Trust 6/04,2
Breyer, Stephen 8/03,3
bribery 4/99,3
brightness acuity test (BAT) 9/97,3
Briner, LeMar 4/00,2
Briner, LeMar 2/00,3
Bristow, Lonnie 1/96,4
Bristow, Lonnie 4/92,4; 11/93,3
Britain and private medicine 4/98,4
Britain, involuntary euthanasia in 3/00,S2
Britain, life expectancy in 4/99,2
Britain, organ transplants in 4/02,S2
British Columbia, tax and regulatory reform 7/02,2
British Columbia Medical Assn on patients' rights 3/02,2
British Columbia, effect of drug price controls 2/02,4
British Columbia doctors' revolt 10/92,2
British Medical Association 7/00,2
British Medical Association on withdrawing food and water 3/00,S2
British National Health Service 5/98,3
British National Health Service 7/00,4
British NHS, privatization 4/89,2
British NHS, physician dissatisfaction 4/89,2
British NHS, queues 1/90,4
British NHS, surgery statistics 6/88,1
British NHS 1/87,4; 10,89,3
British NHS and private insurance 5/89,1
Brock, David 1/97,1
Brock, Susan 1/02,3
Brock v. Emerson Elec Co 7/92,3
Broder, David 7/99,4
Broder, David 11/00,2
Broder, David 11/94,S2
Brodsky, Lewis 7/93,1
Bromwell, Thomas 3/96,1
Bronow, Ron 3/93,1
Brook, Jim 5/04,4
Brook, Robert 2/90,1
Brooks, Jack 3/91,3
Brooks, Juanita 10/96,1
Brouillette, JN 9/91,4
Brown, Carol 6/90,1; 11/90,1; 8/92,4
Brown, Clyde 8/92,2
Brown, E. Richard 11/93,3
Brown, George 6/99,2
Brown, John B 6/03,2
Brown, June Gibbs 11/96,1
Brown, June Gibbs 1/02,LS
Brown, June Gibbs 5/95,1
Brown, Kent Masterson 1/98,S1
Brown, Kent Masterson 11/97,S1
Brown, Kent Masterson 4/98,1
Brown, Kent Masterson 1/96,1
Brown, Kent Masterson 1/99,3
Brown, Kent 6/90,3; 8/92,2; 10/92,1
Brown, Kent Masterson 4/98,S4
Brown, Kent Masterson 4/98,S1
Brown University 8/93,2
Brown v Presbyterian Health Care Services 10/02,3
Brown, Vickie Yates 7/02,3
Brown, Vickie Yates 12/01,1
Brown, Vickie Yates 9/05,3
Brown, Vickie Yates 4/97,2
Brown, Vickie 6/90,3; 11/90,2
Brown, Vickie Yates 8/02,1
Browne, Harry 4/96,2
Browner, Carol 5/99,2
Browner v. American Trucking Assoc 4/01,3
Browner v. American Trucking Association 11/00,3
Browning, Estelle 7/05,1
Brozen, Yale 12/91,S4
Bruce, Robert 3/00,2
Brucer, Marshall 1/90,3
Brucker, Heinrich K 9/96,4
Brundtland, Gro Harlem 8/00,1
Bruteyn appeal 8/92,3
Bryan, Richard 5/98,S1
Bryant v. Glen Oaks Med Ctr 6/96,3
Buchanan, Susan 1/99,4
Buckeye Institute Policy Report 5/97,2
BuckhannonBoard and Care Home v West Virginia Dept HHS 5/03,3
Buckley, James 6/93,3
Buckley, Judge 8/93,1
Bucks County 1/96,1
budget, balanced 12/95,S1
budget, Clinton's 5/96,S2
budget, federal 5/05,2
budget negotiations 2000 12/00,S1
budget reconciliation 1/91,2; 2/92,2
budget reconciliation 1/06,S1; 2/06,S1
budget stalemate 2/96,S1
budget surplus 10/01,S2
budget surplus 4/00,S2
budget surplus 4/98,S1
budget surplus 8/00,S1
Budget Agreement 6/97,S1
Budget Agreement 7/97,S1
Budget Deal of 1997 9/97,S1
Budget, Medicare carriers 5/91,4
Buffett, Jimmy 9/01,1
Bullington, Robert 3/94,2
Bumpers, Dale 5/98,S1
Bunce, Victoria Craig 10/01,2
bundling 12/90,2
bundling 3/01,4
bundling 8/00,4
Bundling, cataract surgery 5/91,3
Bunning, Jim 4/98,S2
Burchfield, David 2/99,S1
burden of proof 10/96,3
Burdett, Christine 6/02,2
Burditt, Michael 9/90,2; 1/91,3
Burditt v. Sullivan 9/91,3; 1/92,1
bureaucracy 8/91,3; 1/93,2
bureaucracy, extent of 4/04,4
bureaucracy, incentives 3/92,2
bureaucrat of year 7/90,3; 11/90,2
bureaucratic pinball 8/98,2
bureaucrats, number of 7/02,2
Burgess, C Kit 12/96,4
Burke, Edmund 9/92,1
Burke, Edmund 1/06,2
Burke, Sheila 11/00,S2
Burke, Sheila 5/94,S2
Burke, Sheila 11/94,S1
Burke, Sheila 5/96,2
Burke, Sheila 1/96,S2
Burry, John 10/95,2
Burry, John 11/95,1
Burton, Dan 12/01,2
Burton, Dan 5/00,2
Burton, Dan 10/99,3
Bury, David 8/03,3
Burzynski, Stanislaw 7/97,3
Burzynski, Stanislaw 4/97,3
Bush "Health Care" plan 4/92,S1
Bush 2006 State of the Union 3/06,S1
Bush, George 5/92,1,2
Bush, George 11/99,2
Bush, George W 2/00, S1
Bush, George, agenda 1/89,2; 2/89,4
Bush, George 8/99,4
Bush, George W on Medicare reform 10/00,S1
Bush insurance reform 5/92,2
Bush, Jeb 5/02,1
Bush, Jeb 12/03,1,3
Bush reform, cost 10/92, S1
Bush State of the Union 3/03,S1
Bush v Michael Schiavo 12/04,3
Bushman v. US 12/89,1
Bushnell, George 4/95,S1
Bushong, Rebecca 11/98,4
business associate agreements 8/03,3
Business Roundtable 3/94,S1
Butler, Sandra 12/97,S1
Butler, Stuart 5/94,S2
Butler, Stuart 6/01,S2
Buto, Kathleen 8/97,S1
Buto, Kathleen 7/95,2
Buto, Kathleen 10/91,2
Butz, Ralph 2/92,2
Buzea, Doina 2/95,3
Bye, Judge 4/02,3
bylaws, 9/91,3
bylaws change, AAPS 9/93,4
bylaws, hospital 10/98,3
bylaws, medical staff 2/00,3
bylaws, medical staff 8/00,4
bylaws, medical staff 12/01,4
Byrd, Abraham 11/92,2
Byrd, Johnnie 12/03,3
Byrd Rule 9/97,1
Byrd Rule, 1/96,S2
Bysinger, Bill 12/04,1
CA May Marine Supply Co v. Brunswick 7/98,3
CA-125, coverage of 6/98,4
Cady, Louis B 9/01,2
Caine, Curtis 4/95,4
Caine, Curtis Jr 9/90,3; 10/90,3; 6/91,4; 11/91,1,3
Caine, Curtis 1/88,2; 1/93,4; 12/93,2; 2/94,2
Caine, Curtis Sr. 2/91,4
Caine, Curtis 10/99,4
Caine, Curtis 10/95,4
Caine, Curtis 4/00,2
Caine v Hardy 9/02,3
Caine v. Hardy 11/90,1; 11/91,1,3; 6/92,3
Calabrese, Michael 5/96,2
Calgary Regional Medical Staff Association 3/00,1
Calif Med Assoc 11/90,3; 9/91,1; 11/91,2
Califano, Joseph 11/94,S1
California Bankers Assoc v. Schultz 3/06,3
California chapter AAPS 4/98,2
California Elder Abuse and tort reform 6/04,2
California Environmental Protection Agency 4/04,2
California Healthcare Foundation 10/02,2
California Medical Association 10/02,2
California Medical Association 12/01,4
California Medical Association 6/02,2
California Medical Association on Schiavo 5/05,1
California Medical Association 12/02,1
California Medical Review Inc 11/90,4
California Medical Assn 7/03,1
California Network of Mental Health Clients 1/01,1
California Proposition 186 1/95,S2
California Single Payer 10/94,2
Caligula 4/02,3
Callahan, Dan 1/99,1
Callahan, Daniel 5/05,1
Camardese, constitutional malpractice 8/87,4
Camardese, Nino 12/04,2
Camardese, Nino 10/88,1; 1/89,1; 9/90,1; 12/90,1; 9/92,1; 1/93,2; 2/93,3; 6/93,3; 9/93,2; 2/94,1
Camardese, Nino 8/99,4
Camardese, Nino 6/98,1
Camardese, Nino 2/95,4
Cameron, Hugh 2/90,2
Campbell, Gordon 7/02,2
Campbell, R. Lowell 8/99,4
Campbell, Tom 5/91,2
Canada, "cost containment" 9/87,4; 7/89,2
Canada, "on borrowed time" 4/89,2
Canada 12/87,1; 2/90,2
Canada, abortions 7/89,2
Canada, access to care 10/87,2; 3/89,2
Canada, administrative overhead 11/94,2
Canada, administrative costs 8/91,2; 9/91,1,4
Canada, AIDS testing 2/89,2
Canada, American polls 4/89,4
Canada, American comment 10/88,1
Canada, balance billing 10/92,2
Canada, ban on private insurance 7/05,3
Canada bankruptcy 8/91,2
Canada, bed blockers 12/92,S2
Canada, Bill 26 8/96,4
Canada, billing numbers 9/88,4
Canada, brain drain 10/98,2
Canada, cancer treatment 3/90,2
Canada, capitation 7/89,2
Canada, collective bargaining 9/88,4
Canada, competition 10/89,4
Canada, confidentiality 5/87,2; 12/88,4; 2/89,2; 10/89,4
Canada, cost containment in BC 2/88,2
Canada, cost of health care 12/92,S1-2
Canada, cost of Medical care 2/92,1
Canada, costs 7/88,4; 8/88,4; 2/89,2
Canada, costs 11/02,4
Canada, CT scans 3/93,4
Canada, cure v. catastrophe 12/92,S1-2
Canada, debt 10/92,2
Canada, debt cards 7/90,2
Canada, doctor shortage 2/88,2; 4/88,4
Canada, effect on poor 7/88,4; 2/89,2
Canada, emergency care 10/89,4
Canada, euthanasia in 1/99,4
Canada, extra billing, 8/87,2; 8/88,4
Canada, fee payback 4/88,4
Canada, forced sterilization in 10/99,2
Canada, fraud 4/90,2
Canada, GAO report 9/91,1
Canada, gatekeepers 9/88,4
Canada, global budgets 12/92,S2
Canada, Goodman 5/89,2
Canada, growth of public health budget 10/00,1
Canada, hallway medicine in 3/06,2
Canada Health Act 3/02,4
Canada Health Act 6/00,2
Canada, hospital closings 12/94,2
Canada, hospital privileges 4/90,2
Canada, joint management committee 7/91,4
Canada, lack of access 3/02,2
Canada, lottery 3/90,2
Canada, malpractice 3/90,2
Canada, malpractice insurance 2/89,2
Canada, managed care in 8/99,4
Canada, medical technology 10/92,S2
Canada, medical refugees 3/90,2
Canada, medical research 7/90,2
Canada, medical care in crisis 11/02,2
Canada, medical spending in 10/02,S2
Canada, Medical Care Insurance Comm 8/87,2
Canada, Medicare revisited 10/00,2
Canada, medicine in 7/00,2
Canada, medicine in 6/00,2
Canada, medicine in 7/99,3
Canada, men entering medicine 2/89,2
Canada, necessary services 10/89,4
Canada, new equipment in 3/02,2
Canada news 1/88,4
Canada, nurses militant 10/89,4
Canada, nursing strikes 3/90,2
Canada, NY Times on 7/92,S1
Canada, obstetric care 8/91,2; 9/93,2
Canada, opting out 5/98,2
Canada, opting out 10/92,2; 3/93,4; 7/93,2
Canada, Pap screening standards 3/93,2
Canada, patient demand 2/88,3
Canada, payroll tax added 10/89,4
Canada, penalties 7/96,4
Canada, physician supply 2/87,1; 7/89,2
Canada, physician oppression in 2/03,4
Canada, physician exodus 6/95,2
Canada, physician responsibilities 12/92,4
Canada, physician migration from 6/00,2
Canada, physicians incomes 3/89,2
Canada, Physicians, exodus of 2/97,S2
Canada, planning for hospital beds 1/89,2
Canada, popular support for medicare 3/00,2
Canada, prescription drug costs 7/88,4
Canada, prescription drug benefit 12/92,S1
Canada, prescription drugs 9/88,4
Canada, price controls in 12/99,2
Canada, private contracting in 11/97,1
Canada, private pay in 4/95,2
Canada, private insurance 4/87,1
Canada, public estimates of doctors' fees 3/02,2
Canada, Quebeckers "foreign" 5/89,3
Canada, quotas on medical students 3/00,1
Canada, radiation therapy 3/90,2
Canada, rationing 7/93,2
Canada, restrictions on speech 11/94,2
Canada, robots 3/90,2
Canada, Roper on 6/89,4
Canada, smart cards 4/90,2
Canada, special interests 4/90,2
Canada, statistica check up of 2/97,S2
Canada, strikes 7/90,2
Canada, subsidizing wealthy 5/89,3
Canada, support for private medicine in 12/99,2
Canada Supreme Court 7/05,3; 9/05,3
Canada, surgeon's fees 9/88,4
Canada, taxes 2/92,1; 8/92,2; 12/92,S1
Canada, threatened by competition 2/06,2
Canada, TPA 8/88,4
Canada, two tiers in 2/02,4
Canada, underfunding questioned 5/89,3
Canada, US comments (Relman et al) 4/89,2
Canada, US insurance 7/90,2
Canada, user fees on prescriptions 1/89,2
Canada, user fees 7/89,2
Canada, waiting v. funding 3/02,2
Canada, waiting lists 2/98,2
Canada, waiting lists 11/94,2
Canada, waiting lists 6/87,4; 2/88,2; 8/88,4; 3/89,2; 1/90,4; 4/90,2
Canada, waiting list 10/99,2
Canadian dollar 8/00,2
Canadian dollar 8/02,4
Canadian Institute for Health Information 7/00,2
Canadian medical system, public view of 4/99,2
Canadian Medical Associatio 10/98,2
Canadian medicare, debt and unfunded liabilities 3/00,1
Canadian medicare 6/05,1
Canadian medicare 6/02,2
Canadian Taxpayers Federation 6/00,2
cancer and managed care 7/97,4
Canfield, Sally 2/01,S2
Cangello, Vincent 1/01,2
cannibalization 4/96,4
Cantoni, Craig 2/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 6/02,1
Cantoni, Craig 6/02,2
Cantoni, Craig 7/02,2
Cantoni, Craig 1/00,4
Cantoni, Craig on price controls 1/03,4
Cantoni, Craig 11/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 12/01,4
Cantoni, Craig 3/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 10/04,2
Cantoni, Craig 10/04,4
Cantoni, Craig on employee benefits 7/05,4
Cantoni, Craig on public good 9/05,4
Cantoni, Craig, pay for quality 3/04,4
Cantoni, Craig 3/05,4
Cantoni, Craig on subsidizing lattes 6/04,4
Cantoni, Craig on the blob 4/04,4
Cantoni, Craig on HSAs 2/04,1
Cantoni, Craig 2/02,4
Cantoni, Craig 6/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 12/00,4
Cantoni, Craig 8/99,2
Cantoni, Craig 8/02,4
Cantoni, Craig 12/02,4
Cantoni, Craig 1/01,4
Cantoni, Craig 5/01,4
Cantoni, Craig 10/00,1
Cantoni, Craig 8/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 9/00,4
Cantoni, Craig 3/98,2
Cantoni, Craig 10/00,4
Cantoni, Craig 2/00,3
Cantoni, Craig 7/99,4
Cantoni, Craig 5/99,4
Cantoni, Craig, on social justice 3/00,4
Cantoni, Craig 10/02,4
Cantoni, Craig 5/00,4
Cantoni, Craig on HSAs 11/05,4
Cantoni, Craig, slavery and debt 2/06,4
capital, human 5/02,4
capitation 6/97,4
capitation 6/96,1
capitation 6/02,4
capitation, Canada 7/89,2
capitation, chain letter 12/97,4
capitation, ethics of 6/95,4
capitation, Oregon Initiative 4/96,2
capitation, Oregon ballot initiative 9/96,3
Caplan, Arthur 11/01,2
caps, constitutionality of 2/03,3
caps on noneconomic damages 1/05,1
carcinogens 6/92,2
cardiac device probe 5/95,1
Cardin, Ben on Kyl-Archer bill 4/98,S3
Cardin, Benjamin 6/92,S2
Care Entree 8/01,2
Careers and Workforce Development Act 1/97,1
Carey, Debi 7/99,4
Carhart v. Stenberg 4/00,3
Carlen, Robert 4/96,1
Carlen, Robert 1/88,1; 6/88,3; 2/89,2; 3/89,1,4; 5/92,4; 9/92,4; 10/92,2; 9/93,4
Carlen, Robert 2/95,4
Carlen v Dept Health Services Suffolk County 4/96,1
Carlen v. Harris 6/91,3
Carlson, Gov MN 1/95,2
Carlson, Tucker 4/01,S1
Carnegie Foundation and medical education 1/04,4
Carnegie Foundation 12/03,2
Carnivore 4/01,2
carnivorous HMOs 4/96,1
carnivorous plant 10/00,1
Caroompas, Kathleen 5/97,4
Caroompas, Kathleen 7/97,2
Carpenter, Scott 7/02,2
Carr, James 12/94,3
carriers, Medicare 1/93,3
Carroll, Kyle 1/01,3
Carroll, Lewis 10/94,3
Carter, Jimmy 11/02,1
Carter, Stephanie 11/00,3
Carville, Jim 8/93,S1
Casanas, Robert J. 5/95,4
Casanas, Robert 9/96,3
Cascade Policy Institute 9/96,2
Cascade Policy Institute 6/93,4
Casey 8/00,3
Casey, Robert 3/94,2
cash payment, barriers to 7/03,2
cash-based practice 5/04,4
Casselman, William 3/96,3
Cassens, Anthony 7/96,2
Cassens, Anthony 12/97,4
Castle, Mike 7/05,S1
Castro, Fidel 6/00,1,2
CAT fund, Pennsylvania 4/03,4
CAT Fund, Pennsylvania 2/03,3
Catalano, Philip M. 8/95,4
Catalano, Philip 2/02,4
cataract surgery, assistants for 2/98,S1
cataract surgery in Canada 1/02,4
cataract surgery, necessity 5/97,3
cataract surgery, glare testing for 10/96,1
cataract surgery, assistants 3/92,1; 6/94,4
cataract surgery, Canada 4/95,2
Cataract PPOs 5/90,3
Cataract surgery, bundling 5/91,3
Cataract surgery 3/90,1
Catastrophic act, elderly oppose 2/88,1
Catastrophic Act, diagnosis codes, 4/89,1
Catastrophic Act 7/87,2; 6/88,2; 8/88,1; 3/89,2; 6/89,4
Catastrophic Act, "widow's tax" 10/87,1
Catastrophic Act, repeal 1/90,2
Catastrophic Act, costs 10/89,4
Catastrophic Act, drug benefit 11/87,3; 2/88,1; 10/89,3
CATCH 5/99,2
Cate, Fred 9/01,1
Cates, Alan 9/00,1
Catholic Charities USA 5/98,S2
Catholic Health Association 3/01,S1
Catholic Medical Association 4/00,3
Cato Institute 12/92,2
Cato, Medicare proposals 8/95,S1
CBO 12/95,S2
CBO v. OMB 1/96,S1
CDC 5/00,2
CDC vaccine recommendations 10/99,3
CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink 4/04,2
CDHC 12/05,2
Celeste, Richard 10/93,S1
census sampling 10/98,2
census, sampling v. enumeration 6/98,3
Center for Democracy and Technology 2/96,1
Center for the Health Professions 2/99,1
Center for Studying Health System Change 10/98,S2
Center for the Study of Health System Change 12/01,S1
Center for Democracy and Technology 11/97,2
Center for Studying Health System Change 12/99,S1
Center for Biomedical Ethics 7/99,3
Center for Responsive Politics 9/02,S1
Center for Patient Safety 1/00,2
Center for Health Transformation 1/06,1
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 10/01,1
Centers for Disease Control 6/99,3
Centers of Excellence 8/99,1
Centers of Excellence 1/04,4
central planning and IT 8/05,1
central planning 9/93,1
CentraState Health Systems 12/01,2
cerebral palsy 1/05,2
certificate of need, challenge to 10/04,3
certifications of medical necessity 6/99,4
cervix, cancer of 3/93,2
Chabot, Steve 9/98,2
Chada v. Hungerford Hospital 4/04,3
Chafee, John 5/98,S1
Chafee, John 12/95,S2
Chafee, John 10/94,S1
Chafee, Sen. 2/92,S1; 5/93,S2; 9/93,S2; 10/93,S2; 5/94,S1
Chamber of Commerce 3/01,S2
CHAMPUS 3/96,3
CHAMPUS 6/90,4
CHAMPUS fraud case dismissed 4/98,3
CHAMPUS fraud 8/97,1
change agents 3/99,1
Chao, Elaine 11/02,S1
Chao, Elaine 12/02,S1
Chaoulli, Jacque 3/00,1
Chaoulli, Jacques 10/98,2
Chaoulli, Jacques 9/05,3
Chaoulli, Jacques 7/05,3
chaperone, for examining females 7/01,3
Chapman, Carleton 6/99,2
charges v. payments 5/04,3
charity 11/98,2
charity 8/91,3; 2/92,2
charity 8/95,1
charity and Part D 3/06,2
charity and rationing 3/06,1
charity care 6/94,S2
charity care and Medicare 12/96,1
charity care 9/02,2
charity unlawful? 6/04,3
charity v entitlement 12/03,4
charity v. altruism 5/04,2
charity v. plunder 11/99,4
Charity among socialists 2/89,2
Charlebois, PA 12/93,3
Charlton, Paul 6/03,2
Charrow, Robert 6/94,3
Charrow, Robert 10/01,S1
Charrow, Robert 9/00,2
Charter on Medical Professionalism 5/02,1,2
Chassin, M 11/98,1
Chaucer 11/98,1
Chautaqua County 5/96,1
Chautauqua County Health Network 7/03,2
Chautauqua County Health Network 1/03,4
Chautauqua Integrated Delivery System 12/97,4
Chavez County Home Health Serv v HHS 6/92,S2; 10/92,1
Chavez, Linda 7/01,3
Cheek v. United States 8/95,3
chelation 11/98,2
Chellappa, David 1/95,4
chemicals, hazardous 10/92,2
Chen, Edward 5/95,S1
Cherewatenko 9/99,2
Cherewatenko, Vern 9/01,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 9/02,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 8/99,2
Cherewatenko, Vern 7/03,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 4/04,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 6/03,4
Cherewatenko, Vern on case management 1/05,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 9/98,2
Cherewatenko, Vern 4/03,2
Cherewatenko, Vern 4/03,4
Cherewatenko, Vern 11/01,2
Cherry Hill Women's Center 12/03,3
Chesterton, GK 11/88,2; 4/89,3
Chevron defense 9/00,3
Chiang Kai-shek 8/93,2
chickenpox vaccine 6/03,3
child abuse, genital exams 11/96,2
child protective services, Australia 1/06,3
child support monitoring, errors in 8/99,3
Child Protective Services 2/98,4
Child Protective Services 1/02,3
children 1/97,1
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) 1/01,3
Children First 4/96,1
Children's Defense Fund 5/97,2
Children's Defense Fund 1/96,1
Children's Defense Fund 10/97,S1
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) 1/00,S2
Children's Health Insurance Program 6/99,3
Children's Health Insurance Program 6/99,1
Children's Health Coverage Act 5/97,1
Children's Health 7/97,S1
Chiles, Lawton 7/97,2
China criminalizes internet messages 8/03,2
Chinese Communism 2/99,3
Chiong, Winston 2/01,4
CHIP 10/99,1
ChiroCode Institute 5/03,2
Chisholm, Shirley 12/00,4
Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter 1/94,2
Chodorov, Frank 2/89,2
choice (insurance) aborted by Senate 2/02,1
choice, insurance 2/02,S2
choice, school 10/91,1; 2/93,2
choice wars, insurance 2/02,S2
Choice Act (Shadegg) 10/04,1
Choice Behavioral Health Partnership 12/98,4
Choice Care 6/95,S1
Choice Charitable Trust 10/91,1
Choice in Dying 12/03,2
Chop, William 7/98,2
Chop, William 6/98,4
Chrisbacher, Kelly 7/99,3
Christensen, Clay 5/04,4
Christensen, Clayton 2/01,1
Christensen v. Harris County 6/02,3
Christenson, Mark 9/96,3
Christian Brotherhood Newsletter 8/01,2
Christian Brotherhood Newsletter 10/97,2
Christian Brotherhood Newsletter 2/01,4
Christian Brotherhood Newsletter 3/99,3
Christian Brotherhood Network 11/97,4
Christian Medical and Dental Association 4/00,3
Christiansen, John 4/01,1
Christman, Ken 3/06,4
Christman, Kenneth on SBS 5/05,4
Christman, Kenneth on supporting AAPS 1/05,2
Christman, Kenneth 5/94,1
Christman, Kenneth 10/95,2
Christoph, Gary 4/00,1
Chrysler Corp 7/90,1
church and state 10/02,3
Churchill, Winson 10/92,4
Churchill, Winston, on socialism 7/96,1
Churchill, Winston 12/96,2
Churchill, Winston 9/01,3
Ciba/Novartis 1/01,3
Cicero 2/00,4
Cicero 5/95,4
Cihak, RJ 12/91,1; 1/92,1; 4/92,4; 7/93,1
Cihak, Robert 9/97,4
Cihak, Robert 11/95,4
Cihak, Robert 4/98,4
Cihak, Robert J 2/02,2
Cihak, Robert 6/01,3
Cihak, Robert 11/01,2
Cihak, Robert 8/00,1
Cihak, Robert J. 1/02,1
Cihak, Robert 6/97,4
Cihak, Robert 5/00,4
Cihak, Robert 7/96,4
Cindrich, Judge Robert 2/04,3
Citizen Action 12/91,1
Citizen Action 2/96,1
Citizens Against Rationing Health 1/94,2
Citizens Against Government Waste 2/98,3
Citizens Against Government Waste 8/01,2
Citizens Council on Health Care 1/03,2
Citizens for Choice in Health Care 9/96,3
Citizens for Health v. Leavitt 12/05,3
Citizens for Health v. Thompson 11/04,3
Citizens for a Sound Economy 7/93,2; 6/94,1
Citizens for Health v HHS 7/03,3
Citizens Petition on Language Rules 7/01,3
Citizens Protection Act 4/99,3
Citizens' Council on Health Care 4/99,3
Citrus County Medical Society 10/98,4
civil conspiracy 6/04,3
civil disobedience 11/02,2
civil forfeiture 7/92,1; 7/93,2
civil liberties 11/01,1
civil monetary penalties 11/95,S1
civil monetary penalties 2/96,3
civil monetary penalties, Clinton Plan 3/94,1
civil monetary penalties 3/91,1; 4/91,2
civil monetary penalties: prohibited practices 10/96,2
civil monetary penalties, Kassebaum Kennedy and 9/96,1
civil monetary penalties, bankruptcy 4/91,3
civil monetary penalties increase 8/03,2
civil penalty 6/00,S1
civil procedure, federal rules of 11/91,3; 2/92,3
civil rights in Congress 6/88,4
civil rights, administrative 11/97,3
civil rights and contracts 3/01,3
Civil Monetary Penalties Law 10/96,3
Civil rights for physicians 11/90,1
Civil Rights Act of 1964 3/01,1,3
Civil Rights Restoration Act 12/89,2
Civil Rights Act 1871 9/90,3; 10/90,3; 11/90,1; 11/91,1,3; 2/92,3
Civil Rights Act of 1964 10/04,3
Civil Rights Act of 1974 1/04,3
Civil Rights Act 9/88,3
Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 3/01,1
Civil Rights 12/89,3
Civil Rights Act of 1964 7/01,3
civil-criminal investigations 8/99,3
Clackamas Gastroenterology Associates v. Wells 3/03,2
claim, definition of 8/97,3
claims denials, Part B 6/96,2
claims filing, profits from 12/90,4
claims peer review 8/87,3
claims sampling, Medicare 6/92,S2
claims submission, refusal by Medicare patient 8/98,2
claims submission, Medicare 7/96,2
claims-made policies 5/04,3
claims-made policies 1/05,1
Clark v. Columbia HCA 10/05,3
Clark v. Columbia HCA 1/06,4
Clarke, Richard 7/90,1
class struggle 9/93,2
class-action suits against HMOs 12/99,3
Classen, J. Barthelow 7/99,2
Clause 59 11/02,2
clawback 3/03,1
clawback 7/93,2
Clay, Beth 12/01,2
Clay, William 7/92,S2
Clayton Act 1/97,3
Clayton, Jack D 9/91,2
Clean Air Act 5/99,2
Clean Air Act 11/00,3
Clean Air Bill 1/91,2
Clean Elections Law 5/04,3
Cleary, Edward 3/93,S2
Cleary, Thomas 4/00,2
Clement, Jay 8/94,2
Clement, Paul 3/05,3
Clements, Melissa Kline 9/00,4
Clemon, Judge U.W. 7/04,1
Cleveland, President ACP 11/95,1
CLIA & Competitiveness Council 9/92,2
CLIA 10/95,4
CLIA 12/95,S1
CLIA 12/94,2
CLIA 8/90,2; 9/90,2; 11/90,3; 2/91,2; 6/91,4; 7/91,2; 2/92,3; 3/92,4; 5/92,1
CLIA 8/95,4
CLIA, cancer mortality and 3/93,2
CLIA, challenge to 12/92,3
CLIA, civil monetary penalties 4/91,2
CLIA, cost 10/92,1; 10/94,4
CLIA, effect on rural labs 1/95,4
CLIA, final rule 3/93,2
CLIA forms 12/92,3
CLIA, inspections 10/94,4
CLIA, intermed sanctions 6/91,2
CLIA, number of labs registered 12/92,3
CLIA, physician opinion 10/92,1
CLIA, physician-performed microscopy 3/93,2
CLIA, proposed repeal 8/95,S2
CLIA questionnaire 11/92,2
CLIA, reductions in lab tests 1/96,2
CLIA requirements 1/00,4
Clinger, William 4/93,1; 6/93,1
clinical guidelines, RWJF 2/99,2
clinical lab survey 10/91,2
clinical labs, phys ownership 12/91,3
clinical pathway to death 7/05,2
clinical pathways 11/98,4
Clinical Lab Improvement Act 5/90,2
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee 9/92,2
Clinical Laboratory Improvements Act 7/97,1
Clinical Pathways 2/99,2
Clinical Pathways 4/99,2
clinics, school-based 5/97,1
Clinkscales, Curt 10/87,1
Clinton, Bill on private contracts 1/96,3
Clinton, Bill 10/92,S1; 3/93,1; 6/93,1;
Clinton, Bill 6/01,S1
Clinton, Bill, on incremental reform 12/99,S2
Clinton, Bill 11/95,1
Clinton, Bill, budget 5/96,S2
Clinton budget 4/97,S1
Clinton, Budget 1/96,S1
Clinton Budget 3/98,S1
Clinton Care in Miami 6/00,1
Clinton, Chelsea 2/93,2
Clinton, Edward 10/98,2
Clinton Executive Order 13166 3/01,1
Clinton Health Security Act 3/94,1; 11/93
Clinton Health Security Act 4/00,1
Clinton Health Plan 2 1/98,S2
Clinton Health Security Act 12/97,1
Clinton Health Security Act 4/04,1
Clinton Health Security Act 8/00,2
Clinton Health Care Task Force 3/04,1; 9/04,1
Clinton Health Care Task Force 1/03,2
Clinton Health Plan 9/93,S1; 10/93,S1
Clinton Health Care Task Force 12/98,1
Clinton Health Care Task Force 6/00,1,2
Clinton Health Security Act 8/96,1
Clinton Health Care Task Force 8/00,1
Clinton Health Security Act 5/98,3
Clinton Health Care Task Force 8/99,1
Clinton, Hillary and Pediatric Rule 1/04,3
Clinton, Hillary 3/93,S1-2; 4/93,1; 6/93,3,S1-2; 11/93,3 
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, senatorial campaign 9/99,2
Clinton, Hillary on medical bankruptcy 3/05,S1
Clinton, Hillary 11/01,1
Clinton, Hillary 9/02,2
Clinton, Hillary, Listening Tour 10/99,3
Clinton, Hillary 8/00,2
Clinton, Hillary on PBA 8/05,2
Clinton, Hillary 8/03,1
Clinton, Hillary 12/02,3
Clinton, Hillary 1/06,1
Clinton last-minute regulations 3/01,S1
Clinton Medicare proposal 11/00,S1
Clinton Medicare reform 3/97,S1
Clinton on budget and taxes 12/95,S1
Clinton Patient Bill of Rights 1/98,1
Clinton Patients' Bill of Rights 7/98,2
Clinton Plan, job and wage effect 5/94,S2
Clinton Plan, polls 12/93,S1; 5/94,S1; 8/94,S2
Clinton Plan, physicians' opinion 4/94,2
Clinton Plan 6/96,1
Clinton Plan, incremental enactment 8/03,1
Clinton Task Force on Health Care Reform 1/02,1
Clinton Task Force on Health Care Reform 5/98,1
Clinton Task Force on Health Care Reform 3/02,1
Clinton Task Force on Health Care Reform 4/00,1
Clinton Task Force, administrative simplification 5/03,1;7/03,1,2
Clinton transition team 1/93,S1
Clinton, William 8/03,2
Clinton's deficit package 4/93,S1
Clinton's Medicare proposal 4/00,S1
ClintonCare 2 2/98,4
Cloud, Sunny 11/96,S2
CMA and unique identifier 2/02,2
CMA, on peer review 12/03,3
CME falsification 9/05,3
CMS data base 10/05,2
CNA insurance 6/97,1
CNA Insurance Cos. 5/96,2
Coalition for Patients Rights 10/95,3
Coalition for Patient Choice 4/98,S2
Coalition for Government Procurement 1/99,2
Coalition for Consumer Justice 7/00,1
Coalition of Family Physicians (Canada) 7/00,2
Coastal Healthcare 10/94,3
Coble, Yank 2/99, 2
COBRA 1/02,S1-S2
COBRA 1/91,1
COBRA 10/02,S2
COBRA 1985 9/90,1
COBRA 2/02,S1
COBRA 3/02,S1
COBRA coverage 12/01,S1
COBRA coverage 11/01,S2
Coburn, Tom 2/05,S1
Coburn, Tom 10/99,S1
Coburn-Shadegg Bill 11/99,2
Coburn-Shadegg proposal 9/99,S1
Cochise County Health Department 5/98,1
cochlear implants 12/00,S2
Cochlear implants 3/90,2
Cochran, Wallace J 9/97,4
Code of Hammurabi 7/02,1
Code of Hammurabi 4/05,3
Code of Conduct 4/06,3
codes, CPT 9/04,4
codes, CPT 12/91,2
Codes, ICD-9 4/90,2; 12/90,4; 4/91,2
Codex Alimentarius 8/05,S1-2
coding, DRG, and training for 9/00,2
coding, E&M 1/98,2
coding errors 9/92,2
coding, incorrect 11/95,S1
coding, Medicare 2/98,4
Coffey, Edward 10/98,2
Cogan, John 1/95,S1
cognitive dissonance 11/00,4
Cohen, Bernard 2/88,2
Cohen, Norman 6/96,4
Cohen, Sen. 6/92,S2
Cohen, Willi
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