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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

RESOLUTION 63-04, 2006: Direct Insurance Payment to Policyholder

AAPS General Assembly, September 2006

Submitted by Mark Schiller, M.D.

WHEREAS: physicians and their staff divert a great of time and expense to processing insurance claims rather than to the practice of medicine;

WHEREAS: physicians are entitled to fair compensation for their professional services at the time of service, or on any other terms they mutually negotiate with a patient, independent of that patient’s relationship with his insurance company or plan;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: AAPS urges insurance companies to facilitate the direct submission of medical claims by the policyholder;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: AAPS encourages insured patients to file insurance claims directly with their insurance company, and to negotiate terms of payment with their physician(s) at time of service.

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RESOLUTION 63-03, 2006: On Narcotic Drug Recycling