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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Should Medicine and Law Enforcement Be Used as Political Weapons?

As the impeachment effort proceeds, some physicians are trying to help bring down the President, even though the issues are legal and concern whether the President is guilty of a crime.

Dr. Bandy Lee and a self-appointed committee of other psychiatrists want to testify about their opinion of the President’s mental health.

With all the expressed concern about Russia, the weaponization of psychiatry in the Soviet Union to suppress dissent should be spotlighted, not forgotten. If psychiatrists’ subjective assessments can be used to remove an elected President, what is protecting other Americans against loss of their rights based on testimony of  “experts” with no objective, challengeable evidence?

“Fitness for duty” exams with no due process of law are already depriving “disruptive” physicians—who may simply be trying to protect their patients against corporatized medicine—of their ability to practice their profession.

Physicians also have cause to be concerned about the abuse of law enforcement to conduct armed raids on peaceful homes and offices, entrap physicians with wired phony patients, suborn perjury, seize assets to deprive citizens of the ability to pay for a legal defense, withhold exculpatory evidence, and obtain guilty pleas because of huge sentencing disparities if a defendant is convicted in a rigged trial.

There has been little national attention to tactics used against individuals in the “war on drugs” and the war on alleged fraud. But now we see reports of law-enforcement “errors” or deliberate abuses  selectively used against a President and citizens associated with him.

If the system can violate the rights of one individual, no one is safe. If the highest levels of law enforcement can cooperate in an effort to nullify an election and usher in single-party rule, all Americans need to be on high alert.

For further information, see AAPS News, December 2019.

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