The most important Senate hearing of the year—or maybe ever—occurred on Nov 19. It’s about the urgent need for early home treatment for COVID-19. An abbreviated video is here: The complete hearing is here:
To empower physicians, clinics, facilities, and health systems to reduce COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, the following actions are immediately needed:
1) The October 9, 2020 NIH guidance against any form of outpatient treatment of COVID-19 should be modified to indicate that the decision to undertake ambulatory treatment should be based on clinical judgment and made between the physician and the patient based on his/her preferences to remain at home.
2) The July 1, 2020, FDA guidance against the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should be modified to indicate that the decision to use HCQ in the appropriate off-label treatment of COVID-19 should be based on physician judgment considering the benefits and risks of treatment.
Early treatment saves lives! It is urgent to reduce barriers that block the availability of this care.
Have you or your staff watched the video?
What do you plan to do regarding this emergency?