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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

Message from AAPS President, Tom Kendall, Sr., M.D.

September 28, 2013, marks the day of my inauguration as President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). It marks my privilege to influence and be influenced by the board of directors–medical doctors committed to the defense of freedom and to the preservation of the patient/physician relationship. It also marks my responsibility to engage a cadre of doctors in this fight for freedom. Our motto, Omnia pro aegroto, “everything for the patient,” is as important now as it was 70 years ago. The AAPS, since its origin in 1943, has fearlessly opposed government/third party intrusion into our noble profession and continues to stand at the forefront of this battle.

We have just completed an invigorating educational meeting in Denver, Colorado, as we continue to enlist doctors in this battle for the preservation of liberty. Courageous AAPS members are creatively providing viable real-time alternatives to the enslaving grip of government and third party oppression. Political influences usurping our nation’s Constitutional rule have contributed to the fragmentation of cultural infrastructure. The resulting disruption of domestic tranquility is creating increasingly fearful unrest. Years of compromise and departure from principles of integrity, virtue and honor into patterns of deceit and corruption have now given us rule by power, instead of rule by law. We in AAPS most vigorously resist this intrusion and stand with zeal, fortitude and strategic opposition to every force that tightens the chains about us.

Issues surface culturally that reveal differences between the value of each individual as opposed to the value of the collective. Society either puts value upon the collective at the expense of the individual or it protects the individual from the coercion of the collective. A necessary reality of a collectivist society is that power and authority are entrusted to the ruling few at the expense of the individual. Such a society is not free, and all but the ruling few suffer for it. This affects not only the practice of medicine, but every area of life. AAPS holds to the position that when the individual is free, so is the society in which he lives, and all are the better for it.

As it applies to the practice of medicine, the principles of individual freedom stand in opposition to the Orwellian intrusion into our offices and examining suites. When liberty of conscience–the freedom to do what is best for the patient–is violated by the oppression of forces, political or otherwise, evil reigns and freedom dies. We must, while we are still (somewhat) free, answer the call to push back the seemingly overwhelming influence of despotic, destructive and deceitful rhetoric and legislative chicanery. Not only will we continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty, but we will also invigorate and energize those following us. This is a multigenerational conquest and the hunger and desire in the hearts of noble young doctors to recapture our noble profession will help us to secure our liberty and sacred honor. If not us, who? If not now, when?

I pledge to serve as President of the AAPS with courage and compassion. It is a great honor and a true joy to lead this august organization for the next year. We stand on the shoulders of many who have gone before us and we must not faint as we carry the legacy of freedom to the next generation. Now is the time! We are the ones!

Tom Kendall Sr. President AAPS

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