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Summary of Health Related Bills Passed by 113th Congress

By Marilyn Singleton, MD, JD Congresspersons are out trolling for votes so they haven’t been in Washington working on legislation. The House Energy and Commerce Committee has summarized bipartisan legislation channeled through its committee that […]

ObamaCare vs Medicare and Insurance

Health Policy News Roundup Curated by Jane M Orient, M.D. Obamacare vs. Medicare This 5 minute video on what Vermont’s federal delegation is up to is very instructive. The plan is for Vermont state government […]

The ‘Progressive’ Way: Cancel, Block, Spin

Health Policy News Roundup Curated by Jane M Orient, MD Remember how ObamaCare was supposed to be about keeping your insurance? The irony is that more health insurance policies have been canceled under Obamacare than […]

If You Want to Live, Ignore the CDC

By Richard Amerling, M.D. I almost feel sorry for Tom Frieden, director of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). So many of his pronouncements have been eviscerated by events within hours or days. […]

ObamaCare Costs and Cover-up

ObamaCare News Roundup Curated by Jane M Orient, MD “The law has been successful so far according to the one metric that really matters to the Left: hiding its true cost from the American taxpayer,” […]

Why Accountable Care Organizations Are Failing

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), a key piece of the Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) “reform” plan, are failing because they must fail. ACOs are based on faulty assumptions, poor economics, and junk science. They would not exist in a truly free market, and are best viewed as a product of government central planners and crony capitalism.

More ObamaCare and EHR Failures

ObamaCare Roundup Curated by Jane M Orient, MD Even if you like your ObamaCare plan, you probably won’t be able to keep it, because of the unfathomable structure of the metallic bands, explains Robert Grayboyes […]