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Healthcare Policy Articles: 10/22/2013

Compiled and summarized for AAPS members by The Market Institute. HHS announced that changes to the front page of the Healthcare.gov website are being imprelmeented to streamline users’ experience and relieve some of the problems […]

How Will You Fare in the Obamacare Exchanges?

Heritage Foundation Issue Brief summary provided by The Market Institute. The Heritage Foundation released a study (Issue Brief #4068) of the Affordable Care Act’s health exchanges and how they affect health insurance premiums. The study […]

Why ObamaCare Cannot Succeed

By Alieta Eck, M.D. Question: If a $600/month insurance policy only costs the individual $33, what does it REALLY cost? Answer: $600, with $567 less in purchasing power for the hard-working taxpayer who is subsidizing […]

The Employer Mandate Delay: A Path to Single-Payer

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., http://internationalhealthstrategiesltd.com Obamacare is a hodgepodge of new regulations, requirements, and penalties. The big three are the health insurances exchanges, the individual mandate, and the employer mandate. Only the last is […]