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No, Bernie, Other Countries Do NOT Ban Private Care

Bernie Sanders has been accused of flip-flopping on union members’ access to private health insurance. This misses the main point. Sanders is giving impassioned speeches about how all other civilized nations have universal, taxpayer-funded “healthcare.” […]

What must you GIVE UP for Dems’ universal healthcare?

In the give and take of politics, the Democratic debaters emphasize the “give”—the “take” not so much. To get to universal healthcare, what would you have to give up? Your employer-provided, tax-free medical insurance—right away […]

After the debate…unasked questions on health insurance

In the second round of Democratic presidential debates, all the candidates were passionate about “universal healthcare.” But the moderators’ probing went no further than private insurance benefits negotiated by labor unions. Additional questions should be […]

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Don’t Work

In response to the rising rate of drug overdose deaths, 49 states had a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) by 2014. By requiring physicians to report all prescriptions for controlled drugs, and to consult the […]