This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane M. Orient, M.D. Whether they would ordinarily be required to file income taxes or not, anyone who received ObamaCare premium assistance must file Form 1095A, with […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. As most Americans are finding out, Obamacare is a bad deal for them. This is not a flaw, but a feature. As Devon Herrick […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. The Sanders repeal-and-replace plan is government healthcare for all. Why have insurance companies as intermediaries, proponents ask. The Sanders plan would abolish private […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. As expected, Obama swiftly vetoed the ballyhooed Republican partial repeal of his destructive legacy, the “Affordable” Care Act. The Republicans can say it isn’t […]
This week’s Health Policy Roundup curated by Jane M. Orient, M.D. The Democrats’ worst nightmare is happening, writes Michael Cannon. The Senate passed a bill that would repeal most, but not all, of the Affordable […]
This week’s Health Policy News Roundup, curated by Dr. Jane Orient ObamaCare is dead, writes Kevin D. Williamson. “It doesn’t work because it couldn’t work.” He explains how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) attempts to […]
It seems to be a non-story in the mainstream press, but ACA premiums and out-of-pocket costs are soaring even as doctor and plan choices contract. “Employees are being forced to cut back on their retirement […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. Republican Presidential candidates all still say they want to repeal ObamaCare, but aren’t making much of an issue about it. In the Nov 10 […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. The press may think that the debate on ObamaCare is over, but as Rick Lowry points out, the death spiral is beginning. The […]
This week’s health policy news roundup curated by Jane Orient, M.D. If ObamaCare is a disaster, then those who say it is “working” apparently want a disaster—for private insurance, private enterprise, and private medicine. The […]
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