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A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943

How Many COVID-19 Boosters Should I Get?

I hope you are able to find what you need—essential shortages are likely. One thing not in short supply is COVID boosters—and possibly mandates to get them. The promise that the vaccines would end the […]

Independence—or ‘Hate America’ Day?

By Jane M. Orient, M.D. The Fourth of July used to be such a fun holiday. The highlight was to sit on the patio wall that Daddy built and watch the fireworks at the University […]

Exemptions Should Not Apply to Vaccines

By Jane M. Orient, M.D. An exemption is something people get from military service or jury duty—a civil obligation that serves the common good, that is, the good of everyone. Everyone benefits when the country […]

Should We Trust the Government with Our Health?

By G. Keith Smith, M.D. – https://surgerycenterok.com As government is telling us where we can go and how we must behave during the COVID pandemic, we must have faith that our government cares about our […]